- Comment on vibes-based astrophysics 1 month ago:
Im not reading on that specifically right now, but I think one problem with dark matter is that it’s not a falsifyable hypothesis and likely never will be. I can make up an explanation over any body of proof of a phenomena and just say that my explanation is due to undetectable things. An alternative theory would be something like stars spinning produce electromagnetic fields which account for the apparent acceleration that’s attributed to gravity caused by an invisible mass. You can measure electromagnetic fields and you can refine models of our sun to try and prove it, and then reach for further discovery. Dark matter feels like a well that’s that. Can’t see it, can’t touch it, can’t prove it doesn’t exist. It should be what remains after we’ve actually tried explanations based on observed phenomenas. That’s just my barely informed take on it.
- Comment on Hey, smoothbrain! 3 months ago:
They also have the extra lobe iirc
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
This proof is partial though. This assumes there is only 1 way of obtaining lead. What if lead appeared from fusion in stars younger than that.
- Comment on launch him anyway 11 months ago:
I don’t think you can achieve a spiral orbit in an area with so little friction, mostly devoid of dust and gas, else the earth would be on one of those too…