- Comment on Philosophy 11 months ago:
He had a doctorate of philosophy. Also known as a PhD. All scientists are philosophers. Though if we’re talking about philosophy as sitting in a room and thinking without using any evidence or math (which is untrue), then Einstein’s breakthrough that a constant speed of light requires time dilation certainly counts as a philosophical contribution.
- Comment on Philosophy 11 months ago:
No, Kierkegaard, Descartes, Socrates, and Einstein are good examples of theist philosophers.
- Comment on Science is a conversation 11 months ago:
That was an April Fool’s prank
- Comment on mint chip lava cake 11 months ago:
The sun is green too
- Comment on Trans youth will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers, NHS England says 11 months ago:
I am now an antinatalist but only for English people
- Comment on Trans youth will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers, NHS England says 11 months ago:
I am now an antinatalist but only for British people.
Don’t have a kid and risk their life like this.
- Comment on suck it, math nerds 11 months ago:
A nanodegree of difference in temperature will change the length of the metal.
- Comment on Henry Cavill Is Playing Wolverine In Deadpool 3 | Giant Freaking Robot 11 months ago:
Man, Corridor, that brings me back.
I got pulled into that channel when I watched Clock Blockers. It was clever, it was different, and it spoke for itself. I watched all their shorts, and I subscribed to Corridor Crew and I watched a lot of content. But a couple years ago there was this period where they were putting out absolutely no videos on the main channel and their brand was 100% just the personalities on the Crew channel and their react videos. I don’t know if it was the pandemic or what, but even when they started making videos on the main channel again the magic was gone. Last good video I saw from them was the falling dominoes. I eventually unsubbed from the main channel too because… it was clickbait. It wasn’t clever or different like the videos I liked. Just adaptations of existing works with silly details changed.
- Comment on Malaria 11 months ago:
Gates used his “charity” influence to stop poor countries from making their own vaccines. He singlehandedly did more to exacerbate the pandemic than even Donald Trump.
- Comment on Fucking finally! 11 months ago:
Jeepers Creepers that is going to make scheduling my D&D game so hard