PI currently working out of Oakmont, Massachusetts.
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- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 23rd 8 months ago:
Still working on Diablo 4: Season 4 and Mad Max
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 16th 8 months ago:
Finished F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin and even played the very short DLC Reborn.
I am in love with the Alan Wake 2: Night Springs DLC. Overall it was really short, which is understandable for a free dlc. The stories fit the right tone for the game and for Night Springs à la The Twilight Zone, as well as fitting in with each episode's playable character's backstory. It makes me excited for lore drop that's going to come with The Lakehouse in October.
I got sucked into a conversation with a close friend of mine about Furiosa, and it put me in the mood to replay Mad Max again. I played it earlier this year, but fuck it, I'll play it again because I love it.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 9th 8 months ago:
I've been working on Diablo 3: Season 31 off and on for a couple months now, and I'm kind of over it. I made it all the way to the Conqueror chapter, but I keep getting repetitive and useless legendary drops, even though I'm on higher Torment levels. I'm at a plateau that I'm just not that interested in crossing. I don't know if it's because the class I picked or the build or what, but I think I'll just call it here until next D3 season. It's like a complete polar opposite of the fun I'm having with Diablo 4's current season (which we finally got pets for!).
I thought Kona 2: Brume would be a separate story than the first that I played a few weeks ago, but nope, it picks up exactly right where the first one left off. Story wise this game is a lot more interesting and linear than the first, even though it goes in some weird directions and still leaves unanswered questions. I did feel like I was actually learning the story as I went along, instead of going until the very end to have it all laid out for me. I did have to look at a walkthrough for one area because there was a ridiculous amount of back and forth over and over for that size of a map that I kept getting confused on where to go and what to do.
So many unanswered questions! Like does Carl have radiation poisoning now? If not, how did he avoid it? What was up with the meteor? Why did it make people react the way it did? The scientists couldn't make the blue pieces red, but then it suddenly didn't matter because the core was red? How did the guy turn into a wendigo? Was it because of the meteor, or was Carl just hallucinating him as such? The Cree angle kind of felt pushed aside, it almost feels like the aliens meme.
I felt the need to have a FPS after my recent bout of non-shooter games recently, and I was in the mood for F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin. It's been a couple years since I've replayed this for the thousandth time, and it's still a great time. I absolutely love the entire F.E.A.R. series.
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 2nd 9 months ago:
I am finally completely finished with We Happy Few, DLCs and all. It was a lot better and more fun that I really thought it would be, especially story-wise. The characters are surprisingly complex and gray while still be likeable. Sally and Ollie's stories were great. They weren't as long as Arthur's, and they didn't have as many side quests (that I could find), but it was still a good time. With differences in encounters between the main characters and going through the same areas, it kind of felt like playing the B story in Resident Evil 2.
As for the DLCs, They Came From Below gives the game a fun little sci-fi twist. I liked seeing more of Roger and James. Lightbearer was surprisingly super short, and I wasn't expecting to hear Neil Newbon. We All Fall Down was by far the best DLC. It was pretty heavy, but did wrap up the ultimate fate of Wellington Wells pretty nicely.
Also have to add that the music is so fun. I actually sat through the entirety of the credits each time because there were some great jams.
Right now I'm dabbling around in Sandbox and Survival mode while I try to figure out what game to play next. - Comment on Remedy Makes Changes to Core Management Team, Wants to Grow Alan Wake and Control into Larger Franchises 10 months ago:
This is what I'm worried about. I love Alan Wake 1 & 2 and Control, and I'm looking forward to the latter's sequel, but I just keep thinking, how far can this go before it's either way out in left field or rehashing the same plot points?
- Comment on Bethesda Quietly Removes Denuvo DRM from Ghostwire: Tokyo 10 months ago:
That's how I got around to playing it recently too. I spent way more time than I should have wandering around just looking at stuff.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Resident Evil 11 months ago:
I love the Resident Evil series, though I think Zero is actually my favorite. It has the best version of Rebecca and my favorite version of Wesker, plus we actually get to see him and W. Birkin interacting and being diabolical together. That, and Wesker Mode is really fun.
Resident Evil 5 is probably my second favorite, because imo that's the best version of Chris. I'm not a fan of how he was handled in Village, and I despise that they used the same VA that they used for Carlos in the RE3 remake. Nothing against the VA, it's just every time Chris opened his mouth in Village, my mind kept going, "That's Carlos That's Carlos That's Carlos".
I hope one of Capcom's upcoming remakes is Code: Veronica. I nabbed in on Xbox a while back, but man, I am not made for those old school tank controls, so I never ended up finishing it.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 17th 11 months ago:
Finally got the ng+ ending for Dead Space (2023), and... I'm not sure that I like it? It's not bad per se, but at the very least I wish it had been presented a little differently. There's something about it that doesn't sit right with me, and it makes me worried about a remake for 2. I thought about replaying it (again), but I think I'm going to let it simmer for a while so I don't get burnt out on it.
I've been trying to utilize GamePass a lot more lately. Thought Those Who Remain seemed interesting, but the controls were so jank and stiff that I couldn't enjoy it properly. Because of this, I thought it was an older game. Nope, 2020. After I kinda got used to the controls, I got bored. Just when I was thinking of quitting, I died. Which led to the nail in the coffin, the shit save system. I had to start all the way back at the beginning of the level I was on. No, thank you, I'm not running through all those rooms again.
Decided to try out Scorn even though I initially hadn't heard very many good things about it. Honestly it's way more fun than I thought it would be, but in a weirdly abstract way. The graphics are amazing, and the setting is fantastic, but that might be because I'm a fan of H.R. Giger. I'm not sure if it would have benefited more or less if there was a more fleshed out plot than... whatever was going on. Most of the game was me just going around doing "stuff". No other motivation other than to progress in its purest form. It's pretty nice if you dream about existing inside Giger's work, like an interactive art piece first, and then a video game second. The more I think about it, the more I like it lol.
Although I will say in case anyone is thinking about playing this game, the last act has a whole lot of what-the-fuckery for a game based off of Giger, plus some. It's definitely not for the faint of heart or those with certain triggers. - Comment on Favourite developers 11 months ago:
Remedy Entertainment. From Max Payne 1 & 2, to Alan Wake 1 & 2, to Quantum Break, to Control, there has not been a game from them that I've played that hasn't been absolutely fantastic. They have not failed to miss so far.
- Comment on As more developers confirm, it looks likely that ALL Adult Swim Games titles will be removed by May 11 months ago:
Man, between this and various shows/movies getting removed from streaming, it is so frustrating to see.