- Comment on No rules!! 1 month ago:
My guess is the pattern makes it harder for predators to spot the worm
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 3 months ago:
the guy exclusively lists cultural phenomena. how would not using a phone personaly solve any of these?
“It’s just a tool” is such an ignorant statement in general. The tools we use have been shaping or culture for thousands of years. There is no choice not to take part in the current state of humanity. “It’s just a tool” is what people who want to sell you their technology tell you to make you forget about the effects it can have on a bigger scale.
- Comment on Fuck geometry 3 months ago:
oh I mixed up the points, I meant to say CB is 0 in the end
- Comment on Fuck geometry 3 months ago:
funny Interpretation: in the complex plane, the imaginary axis is orthogonal to the real axis. so instead of the edge marked with i, imagine an edge of length one orthogonal to that edge. It would be identical to the edge marked with one, so the distance between the ends of the edges is zero.