- Comment on 'You're asking the accused ['Israel'] to investigate itself?' 10 months ago:
A bit different (since there was no war yet) but after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Austria requested to send their own police to investigate the case around the “Black Hand” (the terror organisation that assassinated him).
- Comment on Let π = 5 10 months ago:
Just let π be 3 …
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
Sustainable energy is heavily subsidised in Europe. Thanks to that we have 80% renewable energy production in Austria (and buy some non-renewable energy from other countries but still, we’re on a good way).
- Comment on How is the hydrogen made? 10 months ago:
The ultimate idea afaik is to build huge renewable energy power plants (for example solar energy in deserts) to generate it there, and then transport it through pipelines to wherever you need it.
- Comment on Yes, social media is a cause of the epidemic of teenage mental illness 10 months ago:
Both. Social media certainly plays a large part (wrong body standards, or even in sports when someone does something 20 times and posts the one time it works and people think they have to be able to do it like that all the time).
- Comment on Carol of the Bells 10 months ago:
1916, Mykola Leontowytsch (an Ukrainian composer)
- Comment on What to play at after work? 1 year ago: