Husband, Father, IT Pro, service.
I ask a lot of questions to try to understand how people think.
- Comment on What are You Working on Wednesday 5 weeks ago:
Anyone use open source tools professionally or in your shop? Security Onion, Wazuh, etc?
- Comment on What are You Working on Wednesday 7 months ago:
I have been painstakingly laying the ground work for segmenting network into data center management plane, and future overlay networks for internal applications and dmz / public services.
It would have been easy to burn the place down and start over…
- Comment on What are You Working on Wednesday 7 months ago:
Ever look at emby?
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Technical Controls 11 months ago:
How far do you guys go?
'All of it’s or until it’s inconvenient?
What’s the pain tolerance for when everyone says it makes the job too hard?
Ever compared CIS controls to STIG ACAP?
I’ve only ever used SCAP for a few reasons z but one being it’s free.
- Comment on Implementing Least-Privilege Administrative Models 11 months ago:
What do you guys use for STIG audit?
Manual STIG viewer or SCAP?
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 3 comments
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on Asset and Vulnerability Scanning 11 months ago:
Makes sense. Thanks. I have heard of R7. Had not heard of Qualys.
- Comment on Asset and Vulnerability Scanning 11 months ago:
- Comment on Asset and Vulnerability Scanning 11 months ago:
Good info, thanks.
I am familiar with ACAS, which is why I am testing the products.
Fully capturing all the capabilities of scanning, auditing configuration seems like you could put countless hours into the implementation.
I imagine the ROI is high based on what I’ve seen.
Would you agree?
- Comment on Asset and Vulnerability Scanning 11 months ago:
Thanks,. I’ll check into those two
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 8 comments
- Comment on What are You Working on Wednesday 11 months ago:
I spent Wednesday tracking down what was transferring too much data. It was domain controllers. The team didn’t figure out why though. I’m waiting in anticipation. I also can’t call people names without knowing/JK
- Comment on What are You Working on Wednesday 11 months ago:
Spent the day/week wondering why part of a network was transferring 100 times the planned data, wondering if data exfil, etc.
Nope, just misconfigured domain controllers. Still waiting on the geniuses on that team to figure something out.
If your DC uses GBs instead of MBs to replicate a mostly static directory, you might have a problem…
- Comment on WordPress Admins Urged to Remove miniOrange Plugins Due to Critical Flaw 11 months ago:
Thanks for posting interesting stuff.
- Comment on WordPress Admins Urged to Remove miniOrange Plugins Due to Critical Flaw 1 year ago:
I like getting infosec info on infosec instance :)
If you cross post to two communities on the same instance, we all see double posts.
Maybe we can pick between cybersecurity and security news for articles and the other for discussion?
- Comment on What are You Working on Wednesday 1 year ago:
Nice. You guys allowing the playbooks to configure or just audit?
- Comment on What are You Working on Wednesday 1 year ago:
Can you share any of the baseline that’s not specific to your org/sensitive? What sources are you using as a reference?
- Comment on Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) – DoD Cyber Exchange 1 year ago:
I hear what you’re saying, you’re not wrong.
I would argue that the technical implementations, the ones that are about a quantified or Boolean evaluation, that’s not the case.
Sure, STIGs can be open to interpretation like any benchmark or compliance standard and are open to the reviewers personal discretion or trends in the industry.
I wouldn’t suggest that stigs are more relevant than CIS, since it’s mostly only used by federal government, but it is something to be aware of and a skill set that’s in demand.
I wouldn’t say cis, or stigs, aren’t a security practice by themselves. Security practices come from implementing good policies and evaluation, and I would suggest that the new cybersecurity framework 2.0 would help inform good security practices.
Have you never found ambiguous standards anywhere else?
- Comment on Podcast: 7 Minute Security 1 year ago:
They’ll all over the place time wise.
I skip forward when he goes on tangents, though I can usually relate to them 😀
- Comment on Podcast: 7 Minute Security 1 year ago:
Yeah, he’s an acquired taste. I could see being friends, but you have to be interested in wading through a lot of friendly commentary, or do a lot of skipping forward.
I like the domain admin dance.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 2 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 4 comments