- Comment on The System Shock remake is getting a massive patch with a revised ending, choice of female player character '8 years in the making', and a significant quality of life improvement 10 months ago:
Perplexing, but nice to see!
It’s a really great and faithful remake - but I feel like I heard so little about it that I’m so confused to see new endings and player characters come out for it now months later.
Hoping it has some second wind with the general gaming crowd. Seems like it got overshadowed by RE4 and the latest Zelda game and never hit it off with that kind of TikTok, game of the month crowd
- Comment on Roblox Studio head: 'you can say, okay, we are exploiting child labour'... 10 months ago:
There is a genuinely not-small amount of Latin America that plays RuneScape and WoW for a living.
It’s kind of a bummer in a way, as it’s basically these middle aged Venezuelans grinding out weeks into RuneScape so some pencil necked dork can buy in game gold for cheap - but I guess if it’s better than the alternative.
- Comment on I think an intern helps them tie their shoes too 11 months ago:
Hey if you’d ask the people on this site, higher positions always entitle themselves to higher wages.
We really gotta have some kind of actual initiative to restructure wages around actual work lol
- Comment on 💉💉💉 11 months ago:
As a non-shitpost tid bit, this picture is depicting Edward Jenner, who made the first vaccine by inoculating people (first milkmaids, then anyone) against cowpox. Basically just took a scalpel and took some material from the sore on a cow with cowpox and scraped it on people.
Turned out pretty effective - and down the line we have vaccines
- Comment on There is one uncleared level remaining in Super Mario Maker, with 18 days to go before the servers shut down 11 months ago:
Yes. You have to beat your own level to upload.
- Comment on Do bike tires increase pressure in summerm 11 months ago:
Another person listed a good graph but yeah, the amount of volume change in air by temperature (assuming normal ‘human life’ ranges) are a matter of just a few percentage points. Any increase in air pressure is undoubtedly nullified by ambient leaks of air and similar in your tires.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Advocate to… to who? Who do you want to do that. Me? You? OP? The police?
They have already compounded a staggering amount of information onto this man who, by all accounts - was simply one of the most boring and bleak men to live. No one has simply “forgotten” or “not thought” to do that. There’s just nothing there.
And what do you mean “posthumous private life”?? The dead do not have private lives. You can interview his ex girlfriends and siblings as much as you want, none of them will suddenly have more info on him.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Kind of answered this one yourself. There’s no clear motive other than “weird loner gambling addict decides to commit an atrocity”, and there’s just not much to say on the matter.
- Comment on It's kinda wild that zombo.com still exists 11 months ago:
It’s very interesting and almost kind of sad to me that ‘kids these days’ I think truly don’t get how… scrabbly the early internet was. It was this truly and genuinely unique environment where people were kind of scrapping things together into things that probably just they thought were funny or cool, and then just kind of sending it out into the world.
It’s so different from today where advanced algorithms and profitability guidelines have co-opted that almost anarchic environment
- Comment on How do I learn about DIY modern electronics? 1 year ago:
Arduino is the best place to start imo. Get an LED to blink and youve got your intro to intro to electrical engineering done. Teaches you coding, basics of voltage and wiring, etc. You can scale it up and get pretty advanced and go from there.
As a general word of caution though, as someone who does enjoy hobby electronics, please understand that like 95% of what you can make is going to be something that could these days be bought from Amazon or whatever for $15 or less. It can be a fun hobby, but I think it can sometimes feel like you’re essentially just making Knick knacks and toys and overengineered whoozywhats.
This isn’t a bad thing per se, but something to keep in mind.
- Submitted 1 year ago to gaming@beehaw.org | 0 comments