- Comment on I typically avoid online games but this is why I'm fine with it in Elden Ring 6 months ago:
Sometimes I’ll rename myself “Free XP Weekend” and invade people and then just jump off a cliff or let them wreck me. For free XP.
- Comment on Braid Anniversary Edition has ‘sold like dog sh*t’, creator Jonathan Blow says 7 months ago:
Having worked as a game designer, I humbly disagree with your instructor. No amount of brilliance or success makes it okay for someone to be ac douche
- Comment on The free Delta game emulator for iPhones is live on Apple’s App Store 11 months ago:
The fact that popular free apps in the EU are subject to fees unless they come up with their own app store is bullshit and clearly Apple trying to punish developers over there. Like, “if you don’t want to owe us money, then make it so the only people who can find your app are those who already know about it”?
- Comment on Is Google deliberately slowing down YouTube video buffering for adblock users? 1 year ago:
I have a 2Gbps internet connection, and at my desktop running Firefox, I can’t reliably stream anything fancier than 1080p60. In the next room on my TV with an AndroidTV box attached, 4K60 streams flawlessly.
I never see ads because I pay for Premium, yet they still fuck me over.
- Comment on What difficult games/game challenges did you give up on? 1 year ago:
I tried replaying the Kingdom Hearts games leading up to playing KH3. Got all the way to the final boss sequence in KH1, but I just couldn’t get past the second phase, and I didn’t have any good saves for going back and leveling up. Gave up. Already beat it as a kid when it first came out. No need to kill myself in my late-30s for it.
- Comment on Suicide Squad Boss Downplays Live-Service Elements Of Obviously Live-Service Game 1 year ago:
Yeah, I also paid for Destiny 2 on launch, and then like a year later they went f2p and archived all the original content I paid for. Really, really shitty.
- Comment on Get ready to hear more about "pre-internet" times 1 year ago:
Now I’m wondering if part of why DJs talked over songs was specifically so we COULDN’T get clean recordings on cassette…
- Comment on Get ready to hear more about "pre-internet" times 1 year ago:
I rip all my CDs to FLAC so I can listen to them easily while working or driving or walking or otherwise where having headphones and a phone is easy but carrying a book of burned backups and a CD Walkman would be hard.
But I also have a humble collection of vinyl because I actually really like the ritual of placing the stylus and listening and turning the record over when I want to just… hear the music and enjoy it for itself.
- Comment on The march towards an all-EV future hit a major roadblock. What went wrong? 1 year ago:
I’m trying hard to hold out buying a new vehicle until I can move into somewhere I can charge an EV. Sold my last ICE when I moved overseas, and current apartment has no charging places.