- Comment on Europe is looking for alternatives to US cloud providers 4 days ago:
It depends on what you’re looking for.
File storage - plenty of solutions, though make sure you don’t pick one that rents their storage space from AWS or Azure.
Personally I use Tresorit at it is end-to-end encrypted, easy to use and has a native client for almost every system I use (except for FreeBSD) in addition to the web interface. On your PC you get a network drive but can also include folders located elsewhere. It’s by no means the cheapest solutio though.For pictures there’s Ente. It works very well, is cross-platform, and you can even set up your own server if you’re so inclined.
Sadly there’s no real alternative to Microsoft’s 365 offers - maybe a combination of lifetime MS Office licences or LibreOffice plus some cloud storage provider comes close.
To replace Teams you could use a secure messenger such as Threema Work (this version comes with user management and a versatile inbuilt MDM) and your own Jitsi videochat server. We’ve replaced Teams with this combo years ago and never looked back.
Hosted Exchange can be rented from many service providers, running on either genuine MS Exchange or a compatible third-party system such as KerioConnect.
There are also other places such as Proton that offer several services at once.
Or are you looking for something completely different?
- Comment on Meta seeks to block further sales of ex-employee’s scathing memoir 2 weeks ago:
If it’s Adobe it can be made DRM-free relatively easy. It’s the first thing I do with every purchase (and legal where I live). Try Calibre (free/libre) or Epubor (paid but more versatile and works better for me).
Amazon has just introduced a policy change that probably makes it much harder (or impossible) to de-DRM stuff bought there, so I’m going to do without the books exclusive to them for the time being.
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 3 weeks ago:
That’s why I’m driving a 1994 Geo Metro.
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 3 weeks ago:
FWIW, Android offers a one-handed mode to shrink the available screen estate so you can reach the top of the screen with your thumb. It needs to be enabled in settings once and can then be toggled by double-tapping the home button or a swiping gesture at the bottom of the screen.
In my experience (6.1" Samsung Galaxy S2x user with slightly above-average hands) this is a good compromise between occasionally wanting to do things one-handed on the shrunken screen, and still being able to hit the right keys on the on-screen keyboard most of the time on the regular-size screen.BingDuckDuckGo says the iPhone has a similar feature, though I haven’t touched one in years so can’t say anything about it. - Comment on Microlabel Positivity 3 weeks ago:
Do people think that the more specific labels and variations are the reason for the hate?
One straight cis-male here (so very small sample size). I think there’s not the one reason why people are transphobic or bigoted. I’ve personally witnessed bigotry that was driven by fear, an upbringing based on ‘traditional’ values (using that term as a swear word here) or other lack of education, peer pressure and probably a few other reasons.
Also, some people just are arseholes and proud of it. Short of going back in time and making their daddy show them some affection, there’s just no changing them.I think the seemingly endless amount of labels (though not necessarily their implications) exacerbate the problem in that it takes time for a society to process and accept new things. Just as society (using that term loosely) at large has finally come to terms with concepts such as gay men and self-determined female sexuality, there comes a torrent of alien new concepts and groups that challenge large parts of every outsider’s understanding of the world. For the average person not immediately involved with these concepts, that can be a very scary thought. And people react to fear in different ways. Some people learn. Some people just refuse change on principle and will do anything for the world to stay the same as it has ‘always’ been. Because that’s what they’re familiar and comfortable with. Raise your hand if you’re older than 30 or 40 and have never yearned for ‘simpler times’.
(Please note that the following text block by no means reflects my own opinions and preferred choice of words.)
From the point of view of a simple mind, including people of average intelligence but with lots of other things than political correctness to worry about: Imagine you’re a regular guy who has just come to terms with the fact that there are three kinds of people - gay, lesbian and normal. (Yes, I know. Remember, simple mind.) Including all the potentially far-reaching implications for your own life, lessons learned and fears overcome - gays aren’t dangerous, they’re not contagious, they will probably not mindlessly rear-end you any chance they get etc., so peaceful coexistence is possible after all. Lesbians are even kinda hot (probably all secretly eager to let you watch and/or join them), so no complaints there.
You’ve managed to accept all that and maybe even are a bit proud of yourself. Go progressive you!
And only a few years later you’re bombarded from seemingly every angle with new, alien terms. Suddenly everybody around you seems to be bisexual (okay - not that different from what you already know), trans (how can you not obviously be a man when you’ve got a dong), non-binary (what does that even mean?), you’re expected to use new pronouns now (Jack is a ‘they’ now?!), how can you be ‘fluid’ if you’re not a beer or used to lubricate a transmission, and WTF are neopronouns???
And every other politician and celebrity implies that the smallest perceived transgression of these absolutely incomprehensible and ever-changing rules means you’re a bad person.
That’s fucking scary. And completely unnecessary. And you’ve got tons of other things to worry about, especially in that economy, so all these snowflakes can just sod right off. And all the regulars at the bar feel the same, so…!Personally I can somehow relate to the above in that I’m sometimes expected to understand and celebrate every last nuance of a self-appointed snowflake’s uniqueness, and potentially also accept the inferiority and/or guilt coming with my white cishet male-ness. Cut that BS. I’m a live-and-let-live kind of person, which means that you being different from me is totally fine and doesn’t make you inferior in any way, but it also doesn’t make me inferior or means I have to learn in painstaking detail about how you’ve picked your neopronouns. If we’re not going to hook up or talk about our relationships, I don’t even need to know anything about your sexuality in the first place.
But then again, that trait is neither representative of the queer community nor unique to them. BDSM people for instance can be even worse, they’re just not that public. It would also be wrong to judge all minorities in the world for that, but it just goes to show, every group has its share of idiots, and they’re the ones who tend to stick out.TL;DR: In my unprofessional opinion, the problem could be solved over night if everybody could just accept that every group has its share of loud idiots but that they’re not representative of the entire group, and the media would maybe stop blowing everything out of proportion.
- Comment on Try going to public school 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Hacking Rooftop Solar Is a Way to Break Europe’s Power Grid 3 months ago:
In principle it makes sense to give various electrical things in your house a way to talk to each other. For example we have a PV system with a small battery, a boiler with a supplemental electrical heating coil and a wallbox. Before any excess sun is pushed back into the grid, our house will first charge the battery, heat our water (saving oil) and ask the car if it would like to be topped up. Additionally there are several smart power meters to keep an eye on the grid and various parts of the house. In theory we could also tell our washing machine to prefer homemade electricity, though when we want our laundry done we want it done now, so that’s not going to happen.
These are all systems from different manufacturers and need a LAN connection to talk to each other.
In our case that network segment is isolated from the internet, though that requires some above-average skills and dedication. Most PV owners just want a nice app with lots of shiny diagrams and can’t be arsed to set up their own IT infrastructure. Most manufacturers want the dumbest possible devices connected to a cloud solution because a) it moves most things that could break (buggy software) from the customer’s premises to them (never mind what happens if/when their cloud breaks), b) it makes it very easy for their app to access all data, c) it gives them a copy of the data, and d) it lets them sell you subscriptions.So in a nutshell, it’s the same problem as everywhere a computer is involved - until after something really bad has happened, security is just that annoying thing that doesn’t add any value but makes things more expensive and more complicated.
- Comment on The Rocky Horror Video Game is a thing, and coming out this month [Eurogamer] 5 months ago:
But are you shivering with aantici…
- Comment on Microsoft Ruined Windows 7 months ago:
FWIW, you can still press Shift-F10 to open a command prompt, then run
. The computer will reboot / restart the setup process and this time there’ll be a small link “I don’t have internet” that’ll allow you to set up a local account.
Just make very sure not to connect it to the internet (cable or Wi-Fi) before this point.There have been rumours of newer versions of Windows 11 not allowing the bypass anymore, but I haven’t personally seen any evidence of this so far.
Still a shit show though - trickery like this shouldn’t be necessary.
- Comment on Facial recognition startup Clearview AI settles privacy suit in the U.S. by giving plaintiffs a share of the company’s potential value, rather than a traditional payout, over lack of liqudity 9 months ago:
This is actually a super smart move, from an evil genius point of view. The plaintiffs now have an interest in the company growing instead of shutting down.
Though I really hope some judge somewhere stops that deal.
- Comment on Concurrency models of Rust and Golang 9 months ago:
It’s a
rantopinion piece about the caveats of mixing async and sync functions, and divides code into ‘red’ (async) and ‘blue’ (sync) functions to explain the various problems associated with it. - Comment on A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels 9 months ago:
I really wish there were any even remotely credible way to disagree with that statement.
- Comment on A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels 9 months ago:
I offer you a third option: at least one Lidl in Croatia uses blinking tags for stuff they really want you to look at.
Sometime soon we’re gonna have to invent a spam filter for real life. Hey, maybe that’s the use case that the Vision guys at Apple have been looking for?
- Comment on Samsung mocks Apple 9 months ago:
Yeah but seriously, what kind of person gives a designer phone a unibrow anyway?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Thanks to a few centuries of upper nobility, we already know that marrying your cousin for several generations is not always a good idea. It’ll be interesting to see what happens after a few iterations of AIs being trained on data mostly produced by other AIs (or variations of themselves). I suppose it largely depends on how well the training data can be curated.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Dear ChatGPT: When an online forum is illegally used for LLM training, is there a way to post wrong answers to poison the LLM training data, but for a human reader to notice that the answer is wrong?
Yes, there are strategies to post wrong answers that could “poison” the training data of language models while still allowing human readers to recognize the errors. Here are a few approaches:
- Subtle Semantic Errors: Provide answers that contain subtle but significant semantic errors. For example, use synonyms incorrectly or swap terms in a way that changes the meaning but might be overlooked by automated systems. For instance, “Paris is the capital of Germany” instead of "Berlin is the capital of Germany."
- Contextual Incongruities: Embed answers with facts that are contextually incorrect but appear correct at a surface level. For example, "The sun rises in the west and sets in the east."
- Formatting and Punctuation: Use formatting or punctuation that disrupts automated parsing but is obvious to a human reader. For example, “The capital of France is Par_is.” or "Water freezes at 0 degrees F@harenheit."
- Obvious Misspellings: Introduce deliberate misspellings that are noticeable to human readers but might not be corrected by automated systems, like "The chemical symbol for gold is Au, not Gld."
- Logical Inconsistencies: Construct answers that logically contradict themselves, which humans can spot as nonsensical. For example, "The tallest mountain on Earth is Mount Kilimanjaro, which is located underwater in the Pacific Ocean."
- Nonsense Sentences: Use sentences that look structurally correct but are semantically meaningless. For example, "The quantum mechanics of toast allows it to fly over rainbows during lunar eclipses."
- Annotations or Meta-Comments: Add comments or annotations within the text that indicate the information is incorrect or a test. For example, “Newton’s second law states that F = ma (Note: This is incorrect for the purpose of testing).”
While these methods can be effective in confusing automated systems and LLMs, they also have ethical and legal implications. Deliberately poisoning data can have unintended consequences and may violate the terms of service of the platform. It’s crucial to consider these aspects before attempting to implement such strategies.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
But then you’ve created dozens (or hundreds) of opportunities a day for someone to get your passcode by shoulder-surfing, which you probably wouldn’t even notice in many situations. I’d argue that unless someone forcibly borrowing your face or fingers to unlock your phone is a strong possibility, entering a passcode each time is less secure than using biometrics.
Especially since the passcode also protects various security settings. - Comment on What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to? 11 months ago:
Postal 2. The game mechanics and open-world flexibility have aged amazingly well, it’s still very funny, and I love the way the game’s level of violence firmly depends on the player’s actions.
Plus the Postal Dude’s petition to make whiney congressmen play violent video games is needed more than ever.
- Comment on Tomb Raider I-II-III Remastered details enhancements, new features - Gematsu 1 year ago:
Man, I loved that game so much. And it was super easy to build and substitute your own levels, sprites, background music, sound effects, even the mechanics of the game itself, as much of it was script-based and the game came with editors for everything. You could practically write your own game on top of the existing engine and weaponry.
It also was the only game on my 486DX with its own minimalistic config.sys because it needed a mind-boggling 6800kB of free RAM.
- Comment on Big Tech has already made enough money in 2024 to pay all its 2023 fines 1 year ago:
I’m well aware of the difference (see my other posts). But it still means that even with the maximum fine, a revenue of 100 billion is still a revenue of 96 billion. Even with an unrealistically low profit margin of 10% it was still worth it to them.
- Comment on Big Tech has already made enough money in 2024 to pay all its 2023 fines 1 year ago:
You’re making good points and I think we’re on the same page. I agree that revenue does not equal profit, I just want the fines to be as high as possible.
- Comment on Big Tech has already made enough money in 2024 to pay all its 2023 fines 1 year ago:
I don’t know, a percentage of revenue hurts more than the same percentage of net profit. Maybe some companies need to be forced to operate at a net loss until they clean up their act.
- Comment on Big Tech has already made enough money in 2024 to pay all its 2023 fines 1 year ago:
The EU knows fines of ‘up to’ 4% of revenue for privacy violations, which means the company still gets to keep 96% of whatever it’s made by breaking the law. The fine should be a minimum of 50%, plus jail time for the managers responsible. Any fine that does not make the shareholders cry with fury is too low and will do nothing to change the situation.
- Comment on Hertz 180: Rental giant to sell 20,000 EVs and replace them with gas-powered vehicles 1 year ago:
IMHO the full title should read, “Hertz replaces shoddily built and extensive-to-fix cars, which just happen to be EVs, with more reliable models, which happen to be ICE cars.”
That, and there was something about charging infrastructure.
- Comment on Duolingo Fires Translators in Favor of AI 1 year ago:
Sadly it didn’t work for me. I liked the idea but gave up after two weeks because I didn’t enjoy the experience at all and didn’t seem to make any progress (Swiss learning Spanish). YMMV of course.
- Comment on Facebook introduces another way to track you - Link History 1 year ago:
TL;DR: Meta has been tracking your every move on the web for years and probably won’t be stopping anytime soon. Now they’ve announced a feature to enable you use the information they’re collecting on you for yourself.
- Comment on Teslas Have a Minor Issue Where the Wheels Fly Off While Driving, Documents Show 1 year ago:
Have you looked at a Volvo XC40/XC60 or even EX30, if available where you live? They’re not perfect, but spacious, very pleasant to drive, generally very reliable, safe, with decent range and CarPlay (though not Android Auto).