- Comment on Valve releases full Team Fortress 2 game code to encourage new, free versions 5 weeks ago:
I mean, it’s not wrong. I expect quite a lot of lewd and rude content as well.
- Comment on Valve releases full Team Fortress 2 game code to encourage new, free versions 5 weeks ago:
Will be very neat to see the community reaction to this. To this day dooms open source engine is prolific. I imagine this will be amazing for fan and indie games
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says 5 weeks ago:
Yeah at it’s best reddit is an aggregate of content from around the web and a message board.
The only thing I can think of that this makes sense for is to keep the onlyfans people who promote on reddit(or got started on gonewild) to stay on reddit. I feel like reddit is probably not trying to get more in bed with providing porn so Im curious exactly what the application could be otherwise.
- Comment on The Stars of Star Trek: Section 31 Know Why You're Nervous About the Movie 2 months ago:
It certainly shows that the federation doesnt need a weird shadowy organization to skirt the rules and make morally ambiguous decisions.
- Comment on The Stars of Star Trek: Section 31 Know Why You're Nervous About the Movie 2 months ago:
I feel like the big issue is the difference in how it’s portrayed. In DS9 and even enterprise section 31 are the bad guys. They are portrayed as a shadowy organization that thinks it’s doing the right thing but when confronted gets in the way. In DS9 they even lose. Section 31 arent an example of the end justifying the means being a necessary evil, they are something from within for the idealistic federation to overcome and defeat.
As a concept section 31 doesnt make a whole lot of sense lore wise because the federation is a paramilitary organization. Sure they are scientists, explorers, and philosophers at heart, but they are also very much a military Navy. We also see that starfleet does have a non section 31 intelligence complete with spies that go deep undercover get the trust of their enemies and sell them out. The federation knows the galaxy is a hostile place which is why they explore in heavily armed warships with a crew that follows a strict chain of command.
I think part of the wish fulfillment and idealism of the federation lies in the implication that they are also very powerful and able and willing to defend themselves with great force. Even the cruise ship Enterprise D was able to take on multiple enemy warships at once and win.
The major difference between section 31 and standard federation operating procedures seems to be their appetite for genocide and civilians.
It is a thing that has made me nervous about this new project since it was announced. Section 31 appearing as a bump in the road for our idealistic federation members to deal with works and allows them to stay the badguy. Them as the protagonists of a show or movie puts us in a situation where we get told stories where the ends justifies the means. And they either do this by making the federation seem naive and incompetent(which they arent they have a prime directive where they sterilize all life on a planet) or it has them justifying some heinous crap.
- Comment on Tawny Newsome's Star Trek Sitcom Is Still Happening As Long as Paramount Doesn't Tell Her To "Shut Your Laptop and Throw It in the Sea" 3 months ago:
The concept of a trek sitcom seems a little silly and much, but with lower decks eventually coming to an end it does leave an opening for more lighthearted comedy startrek. Still I feel animation allows for more and easier shenanigans.
- Comment on Reddit is profitable for the first time ever, with nearly 100 million daily users 4 months ago:
I still browse reddit, honestly more than I do lemmy, but its mostly reddit old with adblock. Even on browser even though that is painful to navigate.
With properly curated subs its not so bad, but there definitely is still something missing. Also holy cow the current algorithm on reddit is trash. It used to be that the front page changed and shifted but sometimes I see the same crap on my front page for 2 days. It’s insane!
- Comment on Oh god, that can't be good... 8 months ago:
Are those gaspumps in the convenience store?
- Comment on lamp 11 months ago:
Cicadas can stay underground for up to 17 years for example and dragon fly larva live 2 years just to come out of the water and grow wings for a few months.
- Comment on lamp 1 year ago:
A lot of insects live for years as their “larval” or nymph form and then come out into the more recognizable “adult form” just to mate and die. In a lot of ways their larval form is their actual form with their adult lifestage being just a flash in the pan to continue the species.
- Comment on temperature 1 year ago:
Yeah people are being weirdly condescending and smarmy in here.
- Comment on temperature 1 year ago:
Celsius is more intuitive for like science or lab work but for day to day use either one is really arbitrary based on what you’re used to.
- Comment on What’s next for Mozilla? 1 year ago:
Whats wrong with firefox currently?
- Comment on What’s next for Mozilla? 1 year ago:
Yeah and AI is pretty useful for doing certain things. For example my pixel can turn on subtitles for any video or audio playing and even translate it for me on the fly. AI isnt blockchain and it isnt all chatgtp or making images with too many fingers. People are talking about improving web standards as if whatever ai stuff google,MS, and apple are cooking up wont be used in order to enhance various web features.
Likewise firefox is currently a good browser and does keep up for the most part. I’d understand the criticisms if firefox was suck in 2009, but modern day firefox is fast and works well and they will likely continue keeping up with standards while an independent team works on the open source AI stuff