- Comment on BREAKING: 7 months ago:
I truly don’t understand. No matter how funny or unfunny, true or untrue, pro- or anti-Biden a post is - if it contains his name or face it gets downvoted like crazy.
- Comment on I just cited myself. 7 months ago:
I study mathematics at university and I remember it being in the definition, but since it follows from the sum’s limit anyways it probably was just there for claritie’s sake. So I guess we’re both right…
- Comment on I just cited myself. 7 months ago:
Mathematics is built on axioms that have nothing to do with numbers yet. That means that things like decimal numbers need definitions. And in the definition of decimals is literally included that if you have only nines at a certain point behind the dot, it is the same as increasing the decimal in front of the first nine by one.
- Comment on The internet connects people 7 months ago:
- Comment on I hate leaf blowers with the passion of 1000 suns. 8 months ago:
Let me guess. America?
- Comment on step 4: wait for it to get better 8 months ago:
Organize the working class
- Comment on Flat Earth is so yesterday 9 months ago:
What do you mean? Do you not believe in it? haha people are so stupid
- Comment on This is not a stereogram. If you look at it a certain way it will not resolve into anything. 9 months ago:
Thanks for reminding me that this exists. My mind is blown again
- Comment on Remembering a classic 10 months ago:
This is exactly my humor