- Comment on Is it possible to use zero knowledge proofs to verify journalism sources? 9 months ago:
Possible? Yes. Likely? Not at all.
To perform a zero knowledge proof, you’d have to have structured data to support the claim, which most whistleblowers would not have. If a whistleblower already had the hard evidence in hand, e.g., serial numbers and timestamps, they could have just provided those anonymously, and someone could follow up. The problem is, you can’t always get a copy of the hard evidence without revealing your intent to the employer, or at least, other employees.
Presumably most whistleblowers are making unsubstantiated claims that something happened, or maybe with light evidence. Based on who they are, a journalist or investigator may then elect to follow up and dig up the hard evidence to support the claim. Rarely, they would be willing to provide an affidavit under oath, which itself is not enough to pursue criminal charges (though it could help build a case around intent or willful neglect, or help support a warrant or discovery).
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
As far as people I’d trust to not just make shit up, I’d say Librarian, aka, professional fucking researcher is high on the list.
- Comment on Citizen Lab: "Not only the Chinese government, but also US-based firms, are complicit in the political and religious censoring of content on China-accessible platforms" 10 months ago:
While true, it’s pretty asinine to hold companies operating in China accountable for complying with Chinese law. It sucks, but they aren’t just going to abandon the Chinese ~cash cow~ market.
- Comment on Spotting Visual Signs of Gentrification at Scale 11 months ago:
Or, the real sign of gentrification is that the Google Maps car drives by your neighborhood more than once every five years. Guarantee that’s not happening in the projects.
- Comment on Twitch "isn't profitable" admits CEO, in wake of recent layoffs 1 year ago:
This. They clearly overextended due to the boom in streaming during the pandemic, and are now reacting to the contraction in content consumption both here, and on YouTube.