- Comment on Peer review 6 months ago:
I recently read an interesting article proposing to get rid of the current peer review system: experimental-history.com/…/the-rise-and-fall-of-p…
The argument was roughly this: for the unfathomable (unpaid) hours spent on peer review, it’s not very effective. Too much bad research still gets published and too much good research gets rejected. Science would also not be a weak-link problem but a strong-link problem, i.e., scientific progress would not depend on the quality of our worst research but of that of our best research (which would push through anyway in time). Pretty interesting read, even though I find it difficult to imagine how we would transition to such a system.
- Comment on Objectivity 8 months ago:
An axiom is a statement that is accepted to be true, usually to serve as a foundation for a further arguments. I assume OP meant that NGT would often make general statements without much justification and OP perceived these statements as not nuanced / “true” enough.