- Comment on PSA: Do not approach the wildlife. 10 months ago:
The amount of people on this post alone, who are rooting for animals to become violent, is a bummer.
It would be nice if social media platforms were incentivized to run public awareness campaigns, like we used to see with Smokey the Bear, to help curb all of this behavior. Though, I could see that just making things worse, because, you know gestures at everything
- Comment on Fact checked 10 months ago:
I believe it was you, and the Irish.
Oh shit, I just realized why they're mentioned. Yield, for they have the high ground, and cannot be sieged.
- Comment on The picture isn't even of my yard 1 year ago:
Apologies for the confusion, and the late reply. I see what you mean; my comment could have been worded far better.
Exactly because of stuff like the above, I'm just returning from a long break from social media. I'll do better. Thanks for highlighting the issue, take care.
- Comment on Linux thinks "linux" is not a word 1 year ago:
What bugs me about this is that your text editor is not "fedora/gnome/whatever" or "FUCKING LINUX" it's just the text editor that came bundled with whatever distro of FUCKING LINUX you're using. IIRC mine didn't even come with a spell check dictionary.
I guess it would fall under "whatever" but, eh, not in that context.
- Comment on Youtube is allowing Youtubers to advertise their merch even for premium users 1 year ago:
I strongly disagree. How does one even acquire knowledge of military history without language skills? Youtube videos, TV shows, and movies are not "advanced level education" (their words), but writing research papers is. Even if they somehow soak up the knowledge without reading, if they can't write at a higher level than what I'm expecting here, they're still going to fail their classes.
This person is either lazy, sloppy, ignorant, apathetic, or some combination of those. Why on Earth would I want them as a teacher, when there are millions of other educators who don't have these issues? It's a red flag is all; that's my entire point. Of course, there are brilliant educators who cannot write, but the vast majority of people who have gone through higher education know how capitalization works in sentences. Again, just a red flag, not an absolute.
Basic language skills aren't an above-and-beyond expectation from someone calling themselves an educator, it's baseline. When even that's not met, it brings doubt to everything else they may say. Maybe you're fine with that, I am not.
- Comment on Youtube is allowing Youtubers to advertise their merch even for premium users 1 year ago:
People don't seem too upset about this, so I'll go off in another direction! The Youtuber doesn't understand basic capitalization, in titles or sentences, and even the channel name is botched. To add some irony, the channel has "Learn" in its name.
I'm not expecting English majors be consulted for every statement, but I don't feel that basic grammar, that's expected for small children to understand, is too much to expect from an "educational" channel. That's bottom-of-the-barrel, and they still can't be bothered. Hell, there are dozens of websites that you can just drop text into, and the site will automatically fix your capitalization, instantly, for free.
They describe themselves as an "advanced level" educational channel. You can't even get away with that kind of sloppiness in junior high, so the channel "level" is likely below that. If they can't be bothered with such a basic detail, we should not trust anything else they have to say.
Apologies for the digression, and the rant. This is mildly infuriating, but I feel better now.
- Comment on The picture isn't even of my yard 1 year ago:
Looks like you got a taste of the good life early on, and now you're jaded. I tease (but not really).
Not sure if it's still the case, but Dell used to assign a support tech to each business account, and you could call them any time, directly. They'll dick around with home users, who'll only purchase a handful of devices over a lifetime. But, businesses order hundreds of machines at a time, and Dell isn't stupid.
Something else to consider is that home support has to do stuff like help aunt Bertha find the Facebook icon on her desktop (in the late 90s, I was one of the guys they'd send to her house, as a last-last-last resort, oh boy). Where, businesses will often have their own tech calling Dell, with real problems, that are costing money. Those are two vastly different skill sets, and it would be a waste to use the same support team for both sides.
The contrast between the two tiers really is striking though, and it seems you found that out early.
- Comment on The picture isn't even of my yard 1 year ago:
Everyone is suggesting Dell, and I agree, with one caveat:
Order from their business division. Those machines are designed not to be a hassle, because they want return business customers. Dell business machines have no bloat, and consumer-grade extras often come as standard features on business machines. Just better all-around, even the designs.
Only catch is, you need a business license to order this way, or a friend with one.
- Comment on The picture isn't even of my yard 1 year ago:
As another commenter hinted at, "Thinkpad" used to mean IBM laptop; Lenovo bought the name (and PC division of IBM) for that reason, and they don't mind if people think they're still IBM, because OG Thinkpads were the bomb. This is what I was getting at.
It's bananas that the association is just gone now, because the name was huge in the 90s. Sometimes a fella can really feel old.
- Comment on The picture isn't even of my yard 1 year ago:
PSA: Lenovo has gotten in trouble for hidden Chinese malware on their laptops, multiple times. Careful with their hardware.