- Comment on Why does the Music Industry allow Spotify/Apple to profit off of them? 2 months ago:
IIRC, the music industry was in decline long before Spotify was made. The transition period before Spotify was just illegally downloading everything through Limewire/Kazaa/Napster etc.
Also, the reason podcasts make money is because they can produce something that brings audiences in on a weekly basis. The music industry OTOH has artists that make an album a year or less. It’s not as sustainable and it’s harder to sell ads against.
I don’t think more segmentation is a wanted solution by consumers either. Consumers would much rather use one app for all platforms than have to buy a different streaming service every time they want to listen to a new album.
- Comment on I'm having second thoughts about quitting my current position, I'm scared and I don't understand myself. What's happening to me? 2 months ago:
Your reaction to the uncertainty that comes w/ quitting your job is normal. IMO that is the aspect to investigate and try to accept what is and what isn’t within your control
- Comment on What's going on at Mozilla these days? 5 months ago:
Their current userbase is not their target userbase. They are trying to reach a more mainstream audience but all of their attempts to monetize are seen as useless by their current userbase.
They want to increase revenue w/ ads - A loud swath of FF users are tech savvy and have adblocking enabled They want to pivot towards AI - A loud swath of FF users see AI as gimmicky
Repeat ad-nauseum
- Comment on Pros / cons of riding a bike? 8 months ago:
Conversely, I have a lot more stamina in the bedroom now that I’ve been regularly cycling