- Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 9 months ago:
Give us this day our daily bandwidth,
And forgive us our connectivity issues,
As we forgive those who disrupt our signal. - Comment on How to keep carpet clean? 1 year ago:
Back in the Before Times of Reddit, there was a guy who knew quite a bit about vacuums. Did an AMA at least a few times.
Long story short, powders such as baking soda or any of the common ‘freshness’ options damage vacuums. Avoid using them.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
I’ll be the dense lunkhead and ask/say the obvious:
I’m guessing you were trying to find a specific, older movie?
OT, but now I’m disappointed to have discovered that LMGTFY’s SSL throws a NSURLErrorDomain error. I would have used that instead.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
Don’t forget AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Towing Service
- Comment on This split sink 1 year ago:
Dunno about “usually”. Our last house was fairly nice, but didn’t have this sink feature. That said, you could walk around and see where the builder went for the cheapest option available.
That said, this kitchen sink feature should literally be the absolute minimum for consideration.