- Comment on Biden’s strategy is very simple: 1. Get as many illegals in the country as possible. 2. Legalize them to create a permanent majority – a one-party state. 1 year ago:
Lol. Cry about it.
- Comment on Illinois couple discovers massive voter ‘irregularities’ throughout the state in recent elections 1 year ago:
I’ve found some voting irregularities as well:
- Comment on In Taiwan they count the vote publicly. They hold up all the ballots and show them to everyone. 1 year ago:
Lol, some things are just too dumb to waste time on. You seem to be one of those things.
- Comment on In Taiwan they count the vote publicly. They hold up all the ballots and show them to everyone. 1 year ago:
Both parties infringe on democracy in this country. I find it funny that conservatives can’t comprehend the fact that the Democrats are a conservative party, or that folks on the left are also against the Dems. But to calm the the Republicans are somehow better stewards of democracy is out of this world laughable.
- Comment on In Taiwan they count the vote publicly. They hold up all the ballots and show them to everyone. 1 year ago:
Yep. No one would be against that. Well except these folks www.snopes.com/fact-check/stop-the-count-chant/
- Comment on Jerry Nadler Says ‘Vegetables’ Will ‘Rot’ If Illegal Immigrants Aren’t There To Pick Them 1 year ago:
You are right. We should grant full citizenship to everyone here, and do it right now. No more hyper exploitation of these workers by the corporate class. No more fear of joining a union because you could be reported to ICE. No more using undocumented labor to pull down the living standards of everyone. Full agree. Didn’t expect to see this on the conservative lemmy. Right on.
- Comment on California Law Now Covers Free Sex Changes For Illegal Immigrants 1 year ago:
The state enabling humans to express themselves. Oh God the horror. I wish this were true.
- Comment on Velvet Ropes 1 year ago:
Yeah, it’s hard to say if being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher would lead to a stroke, and I don’t much care. Also, weather they were violent or not, is not what most people care about, but rather WHY they were there in the first place. To interfere with what is already a very shallow democracy we have in the first place. For decades both parties have whittled away what little democracy we had. The fact that we only have two parties on the ballot is only the most obvious example of this. What I don’t understand is why conservatives hate the Dems so much. The Democrats, Biden for sure, are a very conservative. But with out fail these babies will claim to be the victim of “Biden Socialism” or some other crap. While they cheer on the actual oppression from the state on the poor, the black, the working class and immigrants in this country. These people are whining entitled little babies who are afraid of rainbows.
- Comment on Velvet Ropes 1 year ago:
My favorite is when they beat that cop to death.
- Comment on The Scapegoating of Derek Chauvin, Pt. I 1 year ago:
Man with the power the state behind him… murders another man. Dumbfounded conservatives wave “no-steppie-snake” flag. US conservatives are the dumbest humans to ever exist. Again STFU you perpetual victims.
- Comment on California becomes first state to offer health insurance to all undocumented immigrants 1 year ago:
i.redd.it/58454sp6m99c1.jpeg Conservatives are the perpetual victim. STFU