Geek. Gamer. Data hoarder. Eldritch Horror hidden in a geeky t-shirt. Reddit & Twitter Refugee. Canadian. Polite, but says ‘cunt’ like an Australian. Avid pirate, worships unfathomable space gods that may drive you crazy.
Also on Mastodon -
- Comment on Forum User Returns After 100,000 Hour Ban to Continue the Same Argument That Got Them Banned in 2013 8 months ago:
- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 10 months ago:
But do you as that person need to know that fact every time you launch the game or is finding out about it before you buy it from it’s technical information sufficient?
You can care about surround sound options, but a non skippable splash screen on every launch gives you zero information or use.
- Comment on Take-Two Buys Gearbox From Embracer, Confirms Development on New Borderlands Game 11 months ago:
Not wrong!
- Comment on Take-Two Buys Gearbox From Embracer, Confirms Development on New Borderlands Game 11 months ago:
As long as T2 ensures Randy Pitchford doesn’t take 10 mins out of the Borderlands 4 announcement conference to show us another fucking card trick, I’ll be happy.
Yes I’m still a bit salty about that lol.
- Comment on Cities: Skylines 2 now has mod support, so you can soon annoy drivers with Spaghetti Junction 2.0 11 months ago:
I’m sure CO leadership is asking the same question right now while hoping a modder comes along to fix the game for them.
- Comment on Long Long Man 1 year ago:
Fuck Chi-Chan.
- Comment on Why do I get light-headed when watching TV shows or movies? 1 year ago:
Need more details. What are you watching when it happens? Or are you saying if you watch CSI, Sesame Street and a David Attenborough documentary about ants back to back you’d get light-headed 3 times, once during each?
As ValiantDust said it could just be motion sickness depending what it is you’re watching.
- Comment on RimWorld - Anomaly (DLC) Store page is up 1 year ago:
I see eldritch themes, I’m down!
- Comment on Geoff Keighley: I do agree that the music was played too fast for award winners this year [...] it’s something to address going forward. 1 year ago:
Geoff, thank you for realizing the issue and addressing it. This is also the 10th year The Game Awards have been going on my man, come on lol.