- Comment on Get ready to hear more about "pre-internet" times 1 year ago:
I’m surprised at that, from my experience I think it’s still more normal than not to have analogue clocks at home, and I would always prefer an analogue watch.
- Comment on Clicks is a BlackBerry-style iPhone keyboard case designed for creators 1 year ago:
I was mildly interested until I saw “designed for creators”. Seems like a meaningless marketing term that gets added to everything these days.
- Comment on Stonehenge campaigners’ last-chance bid to save site from road tunnel 1 year ago:
Has anyone actually explained why the tunnel will cause problems? Because in all the articles about this that seems to be assumed knowledge. Intuitively I would have thought putting the road in a tunnel would be better than having a main road going past it.
- Comment on Attempted right-wing takeover of National Trust backed by Nigel Farage fails! 1 year ago:
This isn’t a Guardian article, unless I’m missing something?
- Comment on Boris Johnson asked experts if you could kill Covid by blowing hairdryer up nose 1 year ago:
What makes you think we have class?
- Comment on The original Apple Watch lineup is officially obsolete 1 year ago:
There’s always been a weird market for “luxury” tech that’s a gold-plated version of what everyone else has. I remember gold-plated pre-smartphone phones that went for ridiculous amounts of money; of course it becomes obsolete, it’s targeting those with money but no foresight.
- Comment on Rishi Sunak says people ‘can’t be any sex they want to be’ in new swipe at trans community 1 year ago:
Is this like shooting for the moon in Hearts (if enough people get that reference)? Find yourself losing so you hit every single bad point for no other reason than some esoteric reward?