i type way too much about video games and sometimes music
- Comment on Female-to-male rape, (how) does it happen without roofies? 8 months ago:
From my viewpoint, it's usually more of a coercive thing. Something you're not necessarily entirely opposed to, but you might rather not, and in order to avoid a situation you might perceive as bad in a different way, you relent and allow it to happen, leading to years of questioning whether it even was rape or not, even though what it does to you mentally is irrefutable.
- Comment on The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit 9 months ago:
Yeah, I hope people don't mistake bad comedy for letting the games down. The games probably got a laugh out of me once every 75 jokes.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 2nd 9 months ago:
Just beat Catherine Full Body last night. There are a lot of things I like about the game, and some things I both like and dislike. It's really more of a "this is the main character's story and you're mostly along for the ride" than it is a narrative experience where you choose every move the protagonist makes.
Because of that, I think how you feel about the story will be determined by your own stance on relationships and the morality of them, hedonism, marriage, and things like that. For me, I felt familiarity with my experience watching Breaking Bad in its painful spectation of characters who make questionable decisions and their creation of damning consequences.
Easy mode treated the puzzles well, just takes away the time pressure of the bl
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 2nd 9 months ago:
I did that with the first KoTOR a year ago! It was more difficult than using a saber for sure, you really get the impression they didn't really think anyone would want to main blasters. How is it in the second one?
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 19th 10 months ago:
Just beat Slay the Princess twice. Wow, really lived up to the hype for me. Excellent writing and art. Excellent... Format and pacing for a visual novel with a lot of different choices. The themes it explores are incredibly interesting and varied.
I heartily recommend it to anyone who enjoys a VN with a mysteriously intriguing story.
- Comment on a 320 year old elf marries an 80 year old human: Is the elf robbing the cradle, or the grave? 10 months ago:
The grave, I would expect "From the cradle to the grave" to be describing the subject. So if the elf is marrying the old woman, then he's robbing the old woman's grave
- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 10 months ago:
Indeed. My current house is great thanks to an inspection. My wiring was incredibly old, and so are my pipes. We had to replace the wiring, legally, as the house couldn't be insured, it was a fire risk, but I'd rather know that than die in a fire.
And if I didn't use a good inspector I would've ended up at a different house that looked amazing, but had incredibly expensive termite damage hidden behind insulation that the owners shoved in the foundation to cover up the damage.
- Comment on Am I the only person that feels that retro games are better? 10 months ago:
Depends on taste. I love mechanical depth and systems on systems and depending on how retro you're talking most games older than, say early 2000s ish just don't often have that
- Comment on Helldivers 2 now delisted in 177 countries 10 months ago:
I much prefer the extremely deliberate aiming and the heavily physics influenced combat of Helldivers. Just makes it feel a lot deeper than EDF that sort of makes up for that granular detail by instead being extremely arcadey and over the top in its weapons and class abilities.
They play quite differently even though they have some surface similarities, but EDF is indeed also awesome and I wish it was more popular.
- Comment on Controversy and Censorship 10 months ago:
I suppose I'll edit my comment to only mention the third
- Comment on Controversy and Censorship 10 months ago:
I've only played Witcher 3 and found a lot of the interesting parts of the world to be the darker parts you don't see in other fantasy games, a lot of the themes of the quests are very heavy, like the bloody Baron's quest as an easy popular mention.
Therefore, the addition of places like whorehouses or other quests related to that deepen the realism of the world in a way that something like Skyrim would absolutely never, and if those bits were ever censored out it would reduce the immersive realism of the world, to me
- Comment on Controversy and Censorship 10 months ago:
It depends on what the vision is supposed to be. If the dev was making a hentai game, but had the scenes censored, then that fundementally destroys the purpose of the game and ruins the point.
If it was a game like Stellar Blade which seems like it has a lot more going on in terms of story and worldbuilding, combat and death, then the sexual parts seem almost more exploitative and distract/clash with the primary themes. I have not played it and cannot say absolutely, though, in this case.
Then there are games like the Witcher series where sex plays a moderate part in the life of the protagonist and adds to the realism and grit of the world, and so sexual imagery actually adds to the game in that way.
So, I think it all depends on execution and perceived intent.
- Comment on Interactive Loading Screens - High Hell 10 months ago:
Disgaea 3 on the Vita had a loading screen with a prinny spinning like a ballerina. If you tilted the Vita the accelerometer would make him slide across the screen accordingly, like a spinning top
- Comment on I like this text. In which Lemmy community can I best share it ? Thanks. 10 months ago:
That's what the post is trying to highlight, that people don't allow themselves to view something retroactively as the good it had, only the negative, as if the end failure is all they got out of it.
- Comment on The wild successes of Helldivers 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 send a clear message: Let devs cook 10 months ago:
Weird, I was able to accept mine, even though he was already my friend, it just made us friends on his side as well. It must be broken in more than one way
- Comment on The wild successes of Helldivers 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 send a clear message: Let devs cook 10 months ago:
It's not bad. You only have to use the "premium" currency to unlock the extra unlock tracks, but you also get that currency in-game and farming it isnt too crazy.
Currently as soon as you pick it up your account gets it, so you can drop into trivial missions, find some, collect it, alt F4, do the same mission repeatedly dropping at the super credits every time since the spawns are static on the same map (hence the alt F4) and then once you have 1,000 you can buy one of the unlock tracks. All of the gear and everything in the unlock track is in-game currency from there, so I don't consider it bad at all since you can easily cheese it for free
- Comment on The wild successes of Helldivers 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 send a clear message: Let devs cook 10 months ago:
For one of my friends even though he was on my steam friend's list, and I could see him as a friend on the HD friend list, I had to accept a friend request from him in HD's pending invites section for the game to consider him a friend, and that allowed him to join our friends only games.
It's likely you have the same issue, whatever the reason
- Comment on Why exactly are raisins toxic for dogs and not humans? 11 months ago:
"tell a man to Google how to fish, and you get to be non-constructive and judgmental"
- Comment on I'm looking for play testers for my wacky Stanley Parable inspiredgame to give me honest opinion. If you are fan of those types of games, let's play : ) 11 months ago:
Done, you will see a request from this same username.
- Comment on I'm looking for play testers for my wacky Stanley Parable inspiredgame to give me honest opinion. If you are fan of those types of games, let's play : ) 11 months ago:
Sounds easy enough, sure, what are next steps from here?
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Weird, I really figured the plural was sloths, but you learn something every day.
- Comment on I'm looking for play testers for my wacky Stanley Parable inspiredgame to give me honest opinion. If you are fan of those types of games, let's play : ) 11 months ago:
I'd be willing to try it out! I have not played the other games you've listed, though I am very aware of them and play a lot of other games besides.
- Comment on do you guys think this game needs a remake? 11 months ago:
I second this. Especially since I think the first one still holds up. You will have to reintegrate your brain into being cool with the locked camera, but the game still plays well and has a lot of fun moments. DMC has had a really fantastic and interesting life beyond the original entries, so I think it'd be more fulfilling and interesting keep seeing what can be done with the series than to try and mine old content.
- Comment on Gigantic: Rampage Edition is now available 11 months ago:
Future proofing isn't the goal, I don't think. This game had a lot of positive word of mouth after its shutdown. The revival from a new studio and publisher who weren't around to learn anything about its original downfall is probably just an attempt to see if that positive word of mouth can turn into sales.
To them, the problem was never that people couldn't play it after it shut down, it's that it didn't make enough money while it lived. Hell, if it didn't shut down as an online only title this studio wouldn't even have been able to buy it at all, that turned out to be a good part of the design for them.
- Comment on Why is only the ? and ! put at the front and upside down of a sentence in Spanish? 11 months ago:
I would assume it's because it leads the reader to what tone to use in a given sentence. The question mark or exclamation point would be useful in tone throughout the whole sentence, but if neither is present in front of the sentence a regular reading tone could be assumed.
so why add a floating period when nothing being there allows for the same assumption and is much, much simpler and easier?
- Comment on How One Modder changed Watch_Dogs Forever 11 months ago:
I think I was just happy to see a cast of characters with some energy and personality, so I wasn't too bothered by the cringe, the whole thing was so overly corny and light in tone that my brain just registered it as straight camp and went from there
- Comment on Which would you rather do, create art or summon rain? 11 months ago:
That probably makes it a guarantee, but I think it would paint an enormous target on your back for governments or worse to want to experiment on you.
I think I'd agree with you and I'd want to blow up on social media first ensuring that if anything were to happen to me, like a sudden disappearance, that it would be easily noticed and there'd be uproar.
- Comment on Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs 11 months ago:
If that's a review our terminology is getting a little... Loose
- Comment on Are game studios suddenly abandoning Black developers? 1 year ago:
Mafia 3 comes to mind and a lot of the game's story and themes are based around that fact
- Comment on Why do I get light-headed when watching TV shows or movies? 1 year ago:
I suppose, but it's not a side effect that happens to everyone, so if you get dizzy smoking weed and you do it regularly then you should probably check with a doctor to be safe anyhow, it's not really an intended effect