- Comment on Minecraft is getting a visual overhaul you probably don't need because of all of those mods you've got installed 5 days ago:
I disagree with the author. There are tons of people that play 100% vanilla Minecraft. Not everyone takes the time to get shaders. I play modded a lot but my brother doesn’t have the time or patience to learn any of it even though he’s interested in playing modded.
- Comment on Anyone else found Mickey 17 embarrassingly bad? (Just watched it) 1 week ago:
I don’t think it was as bad as you think. Overall it was okay. It felt like things happened the way they did because they had an ending they wanted to reach. I haven’t read the book but I probably will since books are almost always better.
My biggest problem is when 17 fell into the hole and was left for dead due to how injured he was. A bit later (maybe an hour max?) after he got pushed out of the hole, he was sprinting and flailing his arms at the truck that brought him back to base.
The acting and special effects were pretty good in my opinion. The directing was bad. The editing could have been much better. I understand that movies strive to be as close to the book as possible but some things just don’t work in both and should be removed.
- Comment on 1+1= 3 months ago:
I learned binary math in college. I can prove 1+1=1
- Comment on How do you search for honest product recommendations? 10 months ago:
I really like project farm on YouTube. He tests different brands side by side
- Comment on Pastors are Scamming Believers out of Millions | Josh Johnson (16:51) 11 months ago:
As a Christian I wish I could upvote this 1000 times. The Bible says your actions are not what get you into heaven but will prove to others where your aligence lies.
- Comment on Is Google deliberately slowing down YouTube video buffering for adblock users? 1 year ago:
I agree with you but not everyone has the same thought process as us. I’ve explained it to my entire family and I always end up “fixing it”. My family doesn’t care about alternatives because they dont like things to change. “Why learn something new when the old way still works?” My family’s thought process on these things just doesn’t make sense to me sometimes but it’s the conclusion they get to.
- Comment on Is Google deliberately slowing down YouTube video buffering for adblock users? 1 year ago:
I think they saw it was kinda backfiring. If they make it inconvenient enough instead of impossible, people might give up? Or they are just trying to be dicks to people using ad blockers?
- Comment on Have you ever felt a imaginary switch click that changed the trajectory of your life? 1 year ago:
Yeah a few times. The one that came to mind first was my ex wife. She always made sure to not say anything about divorce but couldn’t even stand to be in the same room as me anymore. I was texting her about a year into the “separation” and it just clicked. She didn’t want to be the reason for the divorce but she had no intention of trying to fix anything.