- Comment on Faries are real! 3 months ago:
Lots of pink and teal and spots and sparkles….then that brownish spider. Spiders are awesome, but that one feels a little more redcap fey than tinkerbell fairy.
- Comment on Hey kid 9 months ago:
One of my nephews asks about these sorts of things all the time. It’s a delight that he’s frequently interested in the answer. Usually I have to abstract it by a bit, but he’s smart and will often bring up my answers later.
- Comment on arachnidz 10 months ago:
Adrian. Tchaikovsky. Children of Time.
If you don’t like spiders, he at least makes it hard to hate them.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 14th 1 year ago:
So Prey team made Redfall and Dishonored team is making the new Blade game? Good to know!
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 14th 1 year ago:
Been playing Dishonored for the first time and really enjoying it. I’m only at the bridge and trying to play a low/no kill game. I’m not succeeding just yet, but it’s been really enjoyable and they do stealth really well. I’m baffled that they mismanaged to get the team that made this and Prey to push out Redfall? Man.
Just picked up FFVII after the second or third hiatus or my third or fourth attempt to play it. FINALLY made it to the Nibelheim story and past Midgard. And that somehow still manages to work on me as a first time player.
Just beat Banner Saga 1 and have never felt so much like a failure after “beating” a game. That game is trying to unseat This War of Mine for decisions regretted/minute.
I’m wanting to start up my Nintendo series playthroughs again by either starting Mario Galaxy 2 or trying to remember what on earth was happening in Majora’s Mask (3DS) something about the water temple maybe?