I feel like there should be more local maga meetups and then this kind of thing might work itself out more naturally
not sure the "right wing" is for hookups
Submitted 3 years ago by wigglehard@wolfballs.com to freeforum@wolfballs.com
I feel like there should be more local maga meetups and then this kind of thing might work itself out more naturally
not sure the "right wing" is for hookups
When you go on a date you talk about stuff that matters. Its not about fucking. You marry who you date.
I agree. Dating is a waste of time; courting someone, meaning you both know you're looking for marriage, is the way to avoid misleading anyone or burning yourself out on basically long casual sex relationships.
How about a harem and breeding site for manimal husbandry? Frankly i think my seed is worth auctioning to the highest bidder, and i would be doing a service to humanity by holding court to a nice herd of young heffers.
Telegram might work a little better because it has location data. Gab users are so spread out.
Yeah but apps suck
You dont need apps....and you dont NEED tracking devices... I mean smart phones.
Location data? We'll get droned.
In the case of meeting people in kinda makes since. In telegram you can see groups around you. I see a bunch of hook up groups around me filled with thirsty guys and fake women.
mayonesa@wolfballs.com 3 years ago
Yeah.... no. The Right is not about hookups and dating. We court.
PureBloodMasculine@wolfballs.com 3 years ago