Its the same with Russia and Kazakhstan. Tons of Indian students went to all these places, since maybe 15 - 20 years at least. The medical education especially is cheap compared to India itself.
Hmm, yes.... but it doesn't impact the decision to go to Ukraine. Some of my friends got into elite Unis because they were LC (lower caste) and got affirmative action. I didn't bother checking my family history to see if I qualify, and applied the normal way. Affirmative action works only for Govt Unis. But the seats there are absurdly low. In 2006, when I applied, there were 600 desirable openings for new students in Engineering, but 400,000 applicants. Of the 600 seats, 300 were Affirmative Action. But 300, or 600 both are a drop in the bucket, and most students have to go to private Universities.
Good private Unis in India are expensive, and Affirmative Action doesn't help you pay. Unis in Russia, Kazakh, Ukraine offered cheaper education
In Urban India, most people don't know their caste, and it doesn't make a difference day to day. I think a lot of minority applicants are forging documents. 3 years ago
Its the same with Russia and Kazakhstan. Tons of Indian students went to all these places, since maybe 15 - 20 years at least. The medical education especially is cheap compared to India itself. 3 years ago
And I'm sure many are UC (upper caste)
Indian affirmative action is infamous. 3 years ago
Hmm, yes.... but it doesn't impact the decision to go to Ukraine. Some of my friends got into elite Unis because they were LC (lower caste) and got affirmative action. I didn't bother checking my family history to see if I qualify, and applied the normal way. Affirmative action works only for Govt Unis. But the seats there are absurdly low. In 2006, when I applied, there were 600 desirable openings for new students in Engineering, but 400,000 applicants. Of the 600 seats, 300 were Affirmative Action. But 300, or 600 both are a drop in the bucket, and most students have to go to private Universities.
Good private Unis in India are expensive, and Affirmative Action doesn't help you pay. Unis in Russia, Kazakh, Ukraine offered cheaper education
In Urban India, most people don't know their caste, and it doesn't make a difference day to day. I think a lot of minority applicants are forging documents.