Quit apologizing, pussy.
Joe rogan is a fucking joke
Submitted 3 years ago by PureBloodMasculine@wolfballs.com to freeforum@wolfballs.com
Quit apologizing, pussy.
Joe rogan is a fucking joke
I agree. I like that she shows other points of view but he's also a chameleon and will change his view points to win him favor with whomever he is currently entertaining. This is gross and I cannot respect that. He's a fake fuck.
Don't feel bad for him. He is not a 100% free speech guy. He believes in a balance between speech and politeness. Centrists really like him, and even most conservatives would forgive his so called "weakness". Apologizing when you think you are wrong isn't cowardice. Its maturity to most people in the middle.
Yeah, I know, Lefties will keep attacking him again and again. But he has the biggest show in the world, 11/12x the size of CNN. He wipes his ass with millions in cold hard $.
I doubt he is intimidated by either Spotify or activists. He is doing a fine tight rope walk right now.
He was against GAB too, because he thought it was too much right wing spam.
No you are wrong. To apologize and cave to the pressure of the woketards is to be a coward. He doesn't need to explain himself. His base knows who he is and what he believes. We all know hes a lefty but this centrist bullshit will do him in.
I understand. But TBH, he was always a bit on the woke side. He supported Bernie, higher taxes, lived in California etc
Elon Musk is the same. Both guys are kind of lefties, but moderate.
The reason people liked him is because he was a honest moderate leftie, not like the CNN gaslighters
Feel bad for him. They are coming for him hard. Fucking with his emotions.
Feel bad? Hes a martial artist and BJJ black belt. He gets mind games. Hes worried about his money and his spotify contract. Thats all it is.
I don't know how much more money he needs. He's already rich enough to do what ever he wants. I think he's just more worried about what people think of him right now.
I'm not a black belt though so idk
Being famous means you can't use your hand-to-hand combat. Psychological strength and fighting skills is a whole different thing.
Why worried ? If he gets fired, I am sure he will still get millions by setting up his own podcast platform anyway.
How many millions of $ is too little ?
This is a long game... If the cult try and expel him from spotify, he has the rep to get epic funding to have his own platform. The market is in the middle.
Except this apology shit is pissing off a lot of people. I'm sure enough will over look it but I'm not sure people like me will. Oh well. I really don't need him. It was just nice to have someone with a huge audience seek truth. We will see how it plays out I guess.
I see news noise about spotify being under pressure to expel him... Spotify must know that is an obi-wan moment, but the rabid diversity daleks can't stop themselves.... They're like the zombis out of workd war z, or the bodysnatchers from the donald sutherland film.
Apologize to your friends when you are wrong.
Don't apologize to anyone else when you're wrong : they should be charitable to you for your mistakes. You don't owe people you don't know anything if they're making a mountain out of a mole hill.
goldenballs@wolfballs.com 3 years ago
I just seen what he did. What a stupid fucking cowardly cunt.
You can clips of leftwing journalists saying nigger, even Biden saying nigger, and every xritic of Rogan saying nigger. This dumb cunt is not being advised well.
Rogan now has to apologize for apologizing.
PureBloodMasculine@wolfballs.com 3 years ago
I think its the beginning of the end for him.
goldenballs@wolfballs.com 3 years ago
How long do you think it will take?
Johnson is dragging it out in the UK, trying apparently anything he can to distract and downplay his criminality.