But why did they choose them to begin with? Gifts and go? Why do people continue to use services and corporations that want them dead? When there already exist alternatives.
9 million fucking dollars. Stolen and givin to libtards. Someone could make the worlds best and most censorship resistant group funding platform and people would still use Facebook and gofundme.
squashkin@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
this sounds illegal so maybe they'll sue
even if not I don't think this will make gofundme be trusted going forward by a lot of ppl
this is exactly the same kind of stuff why I don't trust anything run by leftists anymore, too easy for them to turn against you, my trust is nonexistent for them
Monarque@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
It sounds like it could be illegal, sure, but it may be in the fine print.
The fact that anyone goes to go fund me for a conservative cause is mind blowing.
Proof that this is a Boomer dominated movement.
Hopefully by now the older generation will pick up on not doing that.
Monarque@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
It actually turns out that the money was given to charities on go fund me chosen by the organizers of the convoy fund
Daily Mail
masterofballs@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
Looks like they cucked and are just issuing refunds. Everyone was gonna issue charge backs