link to original reddit post by /u/Perleflamme

Continuously transferring parts of your wage across the world is a broad use case for many people. Yet it can be expensive and slow with traditional banking services.

BTC itself also is quite expensive, but crypto in general (I won't shill any specific coin, it's not the point, do your own research if you're interested) provides way cheaper alternatives than traditional banking, which is why entire countries are facing currency problems, notably countries small enough for the trend to matter in their fiat currency.

And the trend will most probably continue and accelerate with major improvements in crypto.

As such, we're already observing some small fiat currencies sinking due to crypto. But when do you think will the US dollar fall? Will it survive longer than EUR? Will it have to get transformed into electronic cash to survive?

Here's the link talking about the current facts regarding falling fiat currencies: