In case you missed it over at !, the Lemmy developers have released v0.19.0.

TL;DR: We haven’t updated yet. Make sure you have the latest version of your favorite mobile app. When we update you’ll be logged out.

This instance has not been updated yet, because we want to give you a little bit of a heads up.

There are a lot of changes, most notably having to do with logging in:

A normal user will notice one or two things:

  • You’ll be logged out in your browser.
  • You’ll be logged out of your app.
  • If you have 2FA (2-Factor Authentication) set up, it’ll be disabled and you’ll have to set it up again.

There are lots of little changes which you can read about here if you’re interested. Overall the update has been very well received by other instances!

Another concern we had was with mobile apps. Unless they’ve been updated, they won’t work with v0.19.0. At this point it seems like all of the available apps have been updated, so make sure you have the latest version installed on your phone.

We plan on updating soon™ and will make another post giving a heads up when the time comes.

Thanks for being part of this great community and sharing your joy for dope shaves!

-The Admins