TL;DR: Ditail offers a training-free method for novel image generations and fine-grained manipulations of content/style, enabling flexible integrations of existing pre-trained Diffusion models and LoRAs.


Diffusion models excel at generating high-quality images and are easy to extend, making them extremely popular among active users who have created an extensive collection of diffusion models with various styles by fine-tuning base models such as Stable Diffusion. Recent work has focused on uncovering semantic and visual information encoded in various components of a diffusion model, enabling better generation quality and more fine-grained control. However, those methods target improving a single model and overlook the vastly available collection of fine-tuned diffusion models. In this work, we study the combinations of diffusion models. We propose Diffusion Cocktail (Ditail), a training-free method that can accurately transfer content information between two diffusion models. This allows us to perform diverse generations using a set of diffusion models, resulting in novel images that are unlikely to be obtained by a single model alone. We also explore utilizing Ditail for style transfer, with the target style set by a diffusion model instead of an image. Ditail offers a more detailed manipulation of the diffusion generation, thereby enabling the vast community to integrate various styles and contents seamlessly and generate any content of any style.




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