New Subscriber Growth

yesyesyesno [], up 2.4% to 99, (18 posts, 14 recent)

Active User Growth

judaism [], up 210.8% to 100, (171 posts)
Programming Horror [], up 12.3% to 212, (19 posts)
PC Master Race [], up 3.0% to 188, (228 posts)
Public Freakout [], up 2.7% to 65, (171 posts)
Enough Musk Spam [], up 2.4% to 355, (171 posts)
Kochen [], up 2.3% to 22, (48 posts)
Liftoff! [], up 2.1% to 89, (448 posts)
Atheism [], up 1.9% to 162, (192 posts)
Litterbox Comics [], up 1.4% to 12, (20 posts)
guns [], up 1.3% to 95, (3720 posts)
Political Memes [], up 1.2% to 1654, (454 posts)
Shirts That Go Hard [], up 1.1% to 33, (73 posts)
technology [], up 0.9% to 372, (4188 posts)
Taskmaster [], up 0.9% to 24, (24 posts)
Proton [], up 0.8% to 72, (97 posts)
linuxmemes [], up 0.8% to 2556, (547 posts)
Health - Resources and discussion for everything health-related [], up 0.8% to 216, (307 posts)
Fuck Cars [], up 0.7% to 692, (1023 posts)
Communism [], up 0.7% to 55, (2731 posts)
Poetry [], up 0.5% to 25, (176 posts)
Data is Beautiful [], up 0.4% to 66, (30 posts)
unixporn [], up 0.3% to 40, (83 posts)
Superbowl [], up 0.3% to 174, (297 posts)
Denver Post Comment Section [], up 0.3% to 63, (817 posts)

Previously Featured in New Subscriber Growth

Advent Of Code [], up 14.5% to 610, (45 posts, 23 recent)
Forgotten Weapons [], up 2.3% to 528, (109 posts, 34 recent)
Aneurysm Posting [], up 0.4% to 611, (47 posts, 3 recent)
Greentext [], up 0.3% to 1040, (195 posts, 17 recent)
ThiccMoe [], up 0.2% to 62, (16 posts, 5 recent)
Raccoon for Lemmy [], up 0.2% to 46, (17 posts, 4 recent)
Bloom County [], up 0.1% to 281, (42 posts, 4 recent)

(Results are averaged over the past 7 days)