When I play Engineer, I usually have exactly one Engineering Kit equipped as a Utility Skill and I basically use this kit as my second weapon set.

This works pretty well, but has the downside that the Weapon Swap key only swaps from kit to weapons but not the other way and when I press it (accidentally) outside of combat it swaps to my other actual weapon set.

So I had the idea to bind the key I’m normally using for weapon swap. i. e. '^` (caret) on my QWERTZ keyboard, to the 3rd utility slot I’m normally using for the kit.

This works great, but since GW2 does not support per-character keybindings, I would need to rebind keys whenever I swap characters.

Hmmm … what if I add something to my AutoHotkey script which I’m already using for Jump+Dodge which let’s me toggle Kit Mode bindings by using some special key (Numpad 0 for example)?

kitMode := false

#If WinActive("ahk_exe Gw2-64.exe")
; Toggle kitMode on Numpad0/NumpadIns 
	kitMode := !kitMode

#If WinActive("ahk_exe Gw2-64.exe") and kitMode 
; Assuming default mappings on a QWERTZ keyboard
; Map ^ (weapon swap) to 9 (Utility Skill 3)

See help.guildwars2.com/…/360013762153-Policy-Macros-…

You may bind dodge and jump to a single key.