Hi all! I finally got another big bit of Bridgy Fed interop working earlier today: bridging Bluesky replies, likes, and reposts into the fediverse. (Only the Bluesky federation sandbox, not real users, since federation is still months away.)

Here are example screenshots:

Image Image Image

Lots more bug fixes, cleanup, and testing to do, but it’s nice to get this far.

Beyond development, I’m also starting to ramp up outreach a bit. The IndieWeb and Bluesky communities have been supportive so far, and the fediverse admins and community representatives I’ve approached have been generally positive, but I need to talk to more people. Now is the right time, when I still have months to hear and incorporate feedback before Bluesky federates and I’m able to ship Bridgy Fed’s Bluesky support.

Until next time!

Previously, previously, previously, previously, previously, previously, previously, previously, cc @activitypubblueskybridge@venera.social.