New powers that restrict the right to protest have led to the UK being downgraded from ‘narrowed’ to ‘obstructed’. Two pieces of legislation we’ve written about and have been advocating against- the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act and the Public Order Bill – give extensive new powers to police and the Home Secretary and feature heavily in the UK section of the report. In addition to the legislation, the report emphasises how climate and anti-racism protesters are being targeted by police, with legal observers experiencing high levels of intimidation, harassment and aggression.
The report also recognises that the decline in protest rights is occurring at the same time as broader restrictions and a narrative that delegitimises civil society action and ideas. This is evident both in the catalogue of new legislation that impacts the right to strike, participate in elections, or seek justice; as well as in the anti-protest rhetoric and vilification of protesters among some politicians and media.
The UK joins 39 other countries rated ‘obstructed’ in the CIVICUS Monitor annual report on civic space People Power Under Attack.
Submitted 1 year ago by to