PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT, from 3:15 to 9:05:

“In the writings of the Church fathers, one of the main obstacles, we are told, to any kind of spiritual development, is fantasy. The use of the imagination, particularly in prayer, opens us up to all kinds of deception. The imagination is spiritually dangerous. It opens us up to the demonic realm, because it is at that peripheral part of the self that the demons are able to tempt us and create fantasy.

“And one of the main effects of cannabis is the stimulation of fantasy. So, when a person uses cannabis, this encouragement of fantasy is really directly at odds with what the Church fathers describe as the true spiritual condition. In fact, sobriety of the mind is one of the key essential components of the spiritual life. And the father warn us against everything that will distract us from this pursuit of sobriety of mind.

“Cannabis reduces our ability to develop and maintain sobriety of mind. Sobriety which is a spiritual sobriety. And the fathers do identify this as one of the main impediments to spiritual change and perception of truth. When our mind is filled with fantasy and imaginings, then to identify truth or reveal truth of God becomes impossible.”

“Some argue that cannabis opens us up the spiritual insights they believe they are capable …. Or dare I even say ‘visions.’ Some people will claim, particularly in the shamanistic cults, to have visions under the influence of marijuana.

“St. John Cassian warns us that to attempt to open the noetic eyes through drugs is sorcery. It is sorcery. God has dimmed the noetic sight to protect us – it is for our benefit. There are great aesthetics, those who progressed in the spritiual life, for whom these visions are revealed. But for the majority of us, it is hugely dangerous to do anything to artificially open noetic sight. It leaves us spiritually vulnerable.

“St. John Cassian describes it as sorcery. Sorcery. And this is supported in the Fifth Chapter in the Letter to the Galatians in verse 20 – the word there that is translated in English as sorcery, the warning against sorcery, in Greek, the word is ‘pharmakeia.’ So we see a direct link even in the scriptures, particularly in the Church fathers, between the use of chemicals and altered states of minds, and sorcery.

“To enter into this state, the Church fathers warn, removes us from true prayer. The experiences, the feelings that we may gain, are not true prayer. They are false, they are fake. Counterfeit. We must guard ourselves against all of this because it is demonic deception. To enter into this state removes us from prayer and from God, and it substitutes the reality of encounter with God and spiritual growth with these elusions, feelings, with falsehoods. It creates within us spiritual confusion. A spiritual confusion that can be to such a degree that the person experiencing it doesn’t even recognize the confusion for what it is… “The feelings, the fake experiences, become, to the person who is convinced of them, become the reality off spirituality. And it is deception, it is demonic deception.”