The BBC reality show I Kissed a Boy, which was filmed in Italy and screened over the summer, followed a familiar format of matchmaking contestants in sunny climes but earned particular praise for its sex positivity, (relative) diversity of body type and the occasional sharp social observation around the poolside.
Harry, who went on to win the show with his match Ollie King, is now lending his voice to calls for concerted action to tackle hate crime, as he warns that morale in the UK’s LGBTQ+ community – particularly after the recent Conservative conference – has “never felt lower”.
Although the same report found that homophobic hate crime had fallen by 6% over the same period, the LGBTQ+ anti-abuse charity Galop suggested the figures reflected a lack of trust in the criminal justice process.
Just over a year ago, Harry was surrounded by a group of three young men on a platform at King’s Cross tube station in London who called him homophobic slurs and threatened to push him in front of a train.
Harry is especially vexed after the prime minister’s remarks in his closing speech to the Tory party conference that the country “shouldn’t get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be”.
Harry is also a volunteer for a crucial HIV vaccine trial run by leading specialists at the St Stephen’s Centre at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London.
The original article contains 761 words, the summary contains 238 words. Saved 69%. I’m a bot and I’m open source! [bot] 1 year ago
This is the best summary I could come up with:
The BBC reality show I Kissed a Boy, which was filmed in Italy and screened over the summer, followed a familiar format of matchmaking contestants in sunny climes but earned particular praise for its sex positivity, (relative) diversity of body type and the occasional sharp social observation around the poolside.
Harry, who went on to win the show with his match Ollie King, is now lending his voice to calls for concerted action to tackle hate crime, as he warns that morale in the UK’s LGBTQ+ community – particularly after the recent Conservative conference – has “never felt lower”.
Although the same report found that homophobic hate crime had fallen by 6% over the same period, the LGBTQ+ anti-abuse charity Galop suggested the figures reflected a lack of trust in the criminal justice process.
Just over a year ago, Harry was surrounded by a group of three young men on a platform at King’s Cross tube station in London who called him homophobic slurs and threatened to push him in front of a train.
Harry is especially vexed after the prime minister’s remarks in his closing speech to the Tory party conference that the country “shouldn’t get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be”.
Harry is also a volunteer for a crucial HIV vaccine trial run by leading specialists at the St Stephen’s Centre at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London.
The original article contains 761 words, the summary contains 238 words. Saved 69%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!