Had the +crit Relic on my open world build because numbers, but at some point I decided to switch that up as an experiment. The Eye of Cerus removes boons from enemies it hits, boon removal is the only thing my swiss army knife open world build is lacking in a bit.

What I noticed is that my playstyle changed. And I always enjoy changes to the way I play more than I enjoy bigger numbers. That’s why the nerf to Temporal Curtain enrages me to no end, because it ruins the flow of the playstyle without actually changing anything beyong turning everything clunky because fuck you. Fucking hell, I can barely CC in WvW keep balustrades anymore, that nerf broke quite literally every application of the skill. The same penchant makes me enjoy Eye of Cerus, my elite now has an additional use. An additional mechanic. Since I loathe the loss of mechanics, I naturally do usually love to gain mechanics. Popping it on a pile of enemies, on the gate to Forged with Fire, whenever I actually need boon removal, and so on, and so forth.

Cool little extra utility, that thing. I wish all Relics were like that.