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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/99TAC on 2023-10-05 02:51:20.

5 years ago my wife organized a party at our house to celebrate my retirement. From the get go, the very start, I told her “I don’t want any children at the party”. It was going to be starting at 8pm and was hopefully going to be a full-on bender! Invites were sent out a month in advance, letting people know not to bring their kids, and a month was plenty of time to find a relative or sitter. Nobody had a problem with this…except on couple. They informed us that they would be bringing their spawns of Satan (they are horribly behaved little terrors) because reasons. A subtle ‘do and the door won’t be opened to you’ response was sent, with no further word from them.

So the evening arrives and everyone found care for their kids. The other couple weren’t there so we assumed they had blown it off. 45 minutes into the event the husband arrives with no wife, no kids. Whatevs, come on in and have fun, we said, did you not find a sitter? “We got your message, loud and clear” was his condescending response. Again, whatevs, he wasn’t going to ruin my night! He stays 30 minutes then slips away.

Fast forward 5 years. I’ve been in therapy for the last three (PTSD) and have been working on myself and personal growth, learning about and putting up barriers. I find out that said husband has been texting others up until last week, still moaning about our no kids policy and blaming my wife for it. So now he’s on the other side of a boundary, and angry because of that.

WITA? Me or him?