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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/yayan29 on 2023-10-05 00:03:08.

So yesterday I was meal prepping a weeks worth of chili for myself and my girlfriend (roughly 2 gallons) in a huge wok at my home. While putting in the last few ingredients, I realized I was missing Chipotle peppers and fritos, two things that I love putting in my chilli.

Since there’s a grocery store cross the street from my neighborhood (GPS says 0.2miles from my house, literally a one minute drive) I decided to leave the chilli on the stove at the lowest heat and go and grab the missing ingredients quickly. I was back home within 5 minutes of leaving.

When I left, one of my roommates was at home and I told him I was running to the store for a second and that I had chili simmering on the stove. My other roommate was gone all day with his girlfriend.

When I get back home I’m immediately barraged at the door by my other roommate’s girlfriend, who arrived just a minute before me, screaming about how ridiculous it was of me to leave the stove on unattended. I tried calmly explaining to her that I left right before she got there, and was only gone for 5 minutes. I also calmly explained that I was simmering POUNDS of chili, and that with how much food there was in the wok, and how low the heat was, it would have taken a day and a half before it dried out and became a fire hazard. She didn’t care one bit and still yelled at me like a pissed off mother reprimanding a child.

I expressed that I wasn’t OK with her yelling at me, especially in my house, and making demands as if she owned the place. Immediately she deflected and made it about how her dog COULD have been there by himself and COULD have been hurt if the house caught on fire (her dog wasn’t there, also my house isn’t a daycare center for her dog).

I told her I’ve made chili dozens of times and I’ve always left it on simmer unattended for hours and hours at a time, mixing it occasionally, and I knew what I was doing. I also made a point that my pet parrot WAS at home while I left to the store, and that if I thought leaving chili on simmer for a few minutes would be a fire hazard, I wouldn’t have done that. Birds are extremely sensitive to fumes and smoke (so much that coal miners would bring them into mines to give ample warning if there were toxins in the air)

I told her I would understand her being upset if I did this at her house without permission , but I did this at mine. I also said that it would be different if I left with the stove on max, like if I were searing a steak or something; but this is chili, one of the few foods you leave to cook all day on the lowest heat possible.

Long story short, she blows up and throws a tantrum while saying some less than nice things to me. The next day I overhear her on the phone with my roomate basically talking shit about how I can’t take accountability for anything, I’m an asshole, ect.

Do people actually stand around in the kitchen for 6 hours staring at chili while it simmers? AITA?