link to original reddit post by /u/liftboarder

Biden’s vaccine mandate is an attempt to alienate the population that thinks for itself, and values the individual liberties we are afforded as US citizens. While some who have gotten the vaccine are opposed to forcing others to do so, many more have no problem subjecting their peers to it. It is my hope the mandate will be struck down as unconstitutional, but it will not be before millions of people lose their jobs for their refusal. How many small businesses actually survived the lockdown? Not enough to hire those who disobey.

The extra unemployment benefits ended in early September, less than a week before the new vaccination announcement. Those who were living off the teat of the government will be welcomed into the job market as employers become desperate to fill the positions lost to the mandate, and those who refused will be out of work completely. Does this not sound like the labeling and subsequent dehumanization of a group? Before the end of the year, the unvaccinated and objectors will be mostly unemployed, and branded as “dangers to public safety.” What follows next will be whatever draconian measures they want, and the blame can be placed solely on the unvaccinated. Public opinion will begin to shift as more and more of their rights are eroded, all the while pointing the finger at those who resist and cry “it’s your fault we’re in this pandemic!”

How long before there’s a special police force to round up vaccine dissenters? And when will it end?