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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Cheap-Tomato-1351 on 2023-10-02 19:42:17.

I’ve (36F) been best friends with Sarah (36f) since high school. We always had a good relationship for decades even though we moved to far away cities.

Her husband Aaron (36M) has his own startup company built from scratch and is quite a workaholic. When I quit my job 2 years ago, she offered me a job in her husband’s firm where she also works.

One day, she called me crying. Apparently, she had texted a guy months ago then felt guilty and stopped, deleted the texts. Aaron just found out, instantly fired her. put divorce papers and Threatened her with not showing the kids. telling kids their mother cheated if she did not sign the papers.

You know, I was still a good friend to her during all this. I was like, you made a mistake yes, but it doesn’t mean you should be homeless. I mean, I hate cheaters but, I get it… in a way at least. He neglected her way too long. he was her first boyfriend and I get why she might wonder if grass was greener. All good reasons to divorce tho not cheating.

She agreed to most of his demands, and he calmed down.She did some meditation stuff and forgave herself. And She was happy as clam 3 weeks later.

Meanwhile, Aaron, started rethinking the decisions Sarah made for the company. I asked Aaron if I should brace myself for dismissal, since she hired me. He assured me, “we are profesionals, you provide value.”

so, I rejected a good paying a job offer. Although Aaron didn’t pay me that well, Working remote, and working next room from my baby was important.

2 weeks later he fired me. telling, they were in debt and couldn’t afford my salary. He told me, according to law they have 15 days to pay my severence wage and they were going to use it. I wait15 days, no pay. I call my lawyer, “there is no such a law, have to pay the day they fire you”. I call Aaron, he tries to gaslight me and says, I didn’t say it is the law, I just said we were out of money and requested you to give us some time, I’ll just pay half of it next month, other half the month after.

I am bad at confrontation, I made my husband call Aaron. They are not friends but you know, best friends husbands end up spending time together in events… It wasn’t that out of box thinking to make him call Aaron to mediate,since they know each other. My Husband wasn’t rude, said things like we’ll sue you.

Aaron said they made me a favor by hiring me pregnant and allowing me remote. So it was my turn to make a favor for allowing them to pay whenever. Dude I didn’t beg for a job, your ex wife came me with an offer!

Right after this call Sarah texted me, saying I shouldn’t have allow my husband involved, If I didn’t understood anything All I had to do was to ask and Aaron would explain… I texted back, Aaron lied to me multiple times, I do not need his words, I need actions. And It is between me and Aaron, you don’t work there anymore, and you are not his wife anymore, so you are the one who shouldn’t be involved.

She blocked me everywhere. Mutual friends says I am TAH