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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/worldssemiworstboss on 2023-10-02 22:44:46.

I run a small business and most of my staff is great with one major exception.

No matter when she is scheduled she is late. This is a big issue because I’m required to have a certain ratio of staff to stay open.

Today she called me 15 minutes into when her shift was supposed to start and told me she was on her way. The last time she made a similar call she didn’t show up for another hour. I asked her if that would be the case this time. She assured me that wasn’t the case and showed up 1.5 hours later citing she needed to stop for gas.

But the big source of today’s conflict was a cellphone. We have an app we use to post for work and so employees do occasionally need to use their phones during work hours.

This employee, however, has insisted that she can’t use this app and it is too difficult for her because she “doesn’t understand smart phones” to accommodate this, I’m the one who does all the posting while she’s present.

Yet somehow, she’s on her phone more than the rest of the staff combined. I’ve reminded her time and time again that we don’t use our phones for personal matters on shift, and there is always an excuse why she needed to do it this time

Things came to a head when she was on her phone instead of paying attention leading to a very preventable accident. Thankfully, the accident was minor, and while my clients were VERY unhappy, I was able to resolve things without major issues. However, things could have easily been MUCH worse.

So we set up a new policy. If phones were used for personal the person using their phone would be sent home as soon as there was enough staff coverage to do so.

Personal calls can be made on breaks, or in the case of emergencies, I’m happy to cover for a few minutes so that they can make/take a call.

Today, I found her not only not where she was supposed to be, but in an entirely different room on the phone.

I reminded her of our policy and told her she would be going home when my other employee arrived in 30 minutes.

She got very upset and said she was only calling to get someone to bring her lunch because she didn’t have time to pack it this morning, and that it wasn’t fair Because she really needs the hours. I say if she needed the hours that badly she’d be on time to work and follow the phone policy.

Tldr; Sent a chronically on phone employee home for continuing to be on phone. She says I’m being unfair. Aita?