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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Professional-Fix8274 on 2023-10-02 22:40:44.

This is a shorter version because of the 3000 character limit, the full thing is on my profile, it also explains it better.

So I (38M) come from a very conservative family. I knew early on that all that religious stuff wasn’t for me. Eventually I was able to get a scholarship for college and left the state to begin my life free from religion. My parents were very disappointed in me. Eventually they got over it as they were losing me in the progress to get me to become christian again.

My sister (35F) has always been the perfect christian girl. She got married when she was 18 and soon after became pregnant with my nephew who this post is about. Let’s call him Steve.

During college I met my girlfriend. Let’s call her Sarah. Ever since he was 10 years old he has been an absolute dick to her. He always calls her names and makes comments about her weight. Even 7 years later he is still making these comments. Now Sarah isn’t skinny and has always had some trouble with her weight. But she works very hard to get it under control and follows diets and just does her very best. But still Steve is extremely mean to her but only to her face. When I told my family about it, they all wouldn’t believe me and told us that we were just being dramatic. Because he always acts like the perfect christian boy in front of my family.

Well it turned out he isn’t such a perfect christian boy. A month ago my sister found him having sex with a guy. When he went down to talk to my sister he told her he was gay. Now my sister and her husband were not okay with this at all. And basically immediately kicked him out. Lucky for him he has a car and he drove to my parents, who wouldn’t take him in too.

I found out about this the next day as my sister called me and told me that she hopes he burns in hell. I was kinda taken aback by this and this was the last thing I was expected to hear first thing in the morning. I told Sarah about this and she immediately suggested that we take him in. I was like absolutely not as he has always been a complete dick to us and while it is very sad that he is being kicked out for something as ridiculous as being gay, we owe him literally nothing.

After our discussion I went to work. When I got back I saw Steve’s car in the driveway. I went inside and there he was, talking to Sarah. I immediately demanded an explanation and Sarah said that she texted Steve after I left and told him that he could live with us until he found another place or went to college. I told him to get out of my house. This started a screaming match between me and Sarah. He has never said a kind word about her, called her all kinds of names. I truly couldn’t even believe she would want him to stay with us. But Steve listened to me, he went outside and left.

So AITA for not letting my nephew stay with us after he got kicked out?

Edit: people are saying that Sarah forgave Steve but she has not forgiven him. Her allowing him to stay had nothing to do with forgiveness.