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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/AccurateChallenge712 on 2023-10-02 13:15:30.

I’m 16f. I was found in a crack den at the age of 4, with no record of me anywhere up to that point and it had appeared a though there had been no adults around for days and despite investigators turning up at the property for several days, no one was ever there so my biological parents are presumed dead or incarnated.

I grew up in Foster care and this week I’m going to be adopted by my parents of the last 3 years. Over the last number of years, there’s been a movement to reform adoption and social care because kids should be kept with the parents or whatever.

On Friday I telling a group of friends about my upcoming adoption because I’m really excited. Katie, 17, had a baby last year and put it up for adoption. She got annoyed at me for talking about my adoption and said that I should be reunited with my biological family, even if its not my parents, I could go to like a cousin or an aunt or something. She said its because adoption is traumatic and both the bio parents and child will be traumatised and the only people that will benefit are the rich people that buy kids.

I told her it’s not my fault she gave her baby away and regrets it but my incubator abandoned me so clearly didn’t want me in the first place, whereas my parents paying thousands to adopt me do.

All of my friends think I’m an asshole because Katie ran off crying and isn’t in school today so I seem like a massive asshole and they won’t talk to me. AITA?