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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Defiant_Primary_4188 on 2023-10-01 20:17:48.

My (F24) sister Leah (F27) is 4 months pregnant with her first baby. Her husband works in merchant navy and left a month ago.

Few facts about us, we have a good relationship normally. We are not super close but no issues either. Just living our own lives. She does not drive. Its too much work and makes her anxious. It used to be fine since she usually work from home and goes out only once every couple of weeks for grocery shopping or for client meetings.

But since her husband left, she has been calling me to go hang out with her. We live 30 mins away. She wants me to take her baby shopping, furniture shopping, help remodel her home, bring her out whenever she has cravings, rub her foot, help her with chores when she is too tired etc. I don’t want to.

First of all : Shopping has never been my thing. Walking for hours looking at different things is just exhausting to me. I am a internet buyer.I told her that she can maybe ask one of her friends. But since she basically was burrowed at home for the past 4 years, she is not in touch with her friends. Our parents live 3 hour away.

I told her she can wait and take mom with her then. She wants me to drive mom here since mom refuses to take public transport or drive here. Dad does not want to drive her here in his off days.

I said its same for me. I dont want to spend my off days driving them around either. (Mom would not stay here since she has work back home).

I am already the one taking my sister to her appointments. I don’t want to spend my life helping her with her pregnancy and her baby. (Lets be realistic, her baby daddy will be at sea 8 months a year, she will need help)

I suggested she move back near our parents so she has support. She is refusing to and is asking me to move in with her to help her.

I said no. I have my own life.

She and mom are forcing me to reconsider saying she is my sister, family helps family and it takes a village to raise kids.

I told her she decided to have a baby and her baby is not my responsibility.

She is super mad at me and calling me selfish.