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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/TheMadScientist97 on 2023-10-01 19:56:44.

(26M) My spouse (23F) had multiple seizures back-to-back Wednesday night and had to be taken to the hospital via ambulance. She aspirated water into her lungs causing an infection (Pneumonia) and had to be intubated and sedated for 4 days, including catheter and all kinds of tests. She had just woken up at about 1pm and was very confused and hallucinating slightly from the anesthesia. So, I wanted someone here she knows to keep her company and help her instead of a stranger. This conversation started at 12:30am on day3 Friday night in to Saturday morning.

Me: Can you and/or FIL stay with Spouse tomorrow between 3 and midnight till I get off work? Idk if they are gonna try to wake up her not but she’s having the mri tomorrow. And her lungs are getting better so hopefully they can.

She messages back 12:40PM on Saturday:

MIL: FIL will be back from town soon and I will see what he wants to do I’ll get back with you very soon. (Next text) I will be there at 3:00

I then receive this message at 3:08pm

MIL: I’m about to leave and take FIL the car so he can go to the hospital he’ll be there about 4:30.

Me: Wtf alright. I really need one of you here by 430, I cannot afford to miss another day of work. (Spouse can’t work due to seizures)

No response until 5:35pm… MIL: FIL is about to head that way.

Me: Lol if he doesn’t want to he doesn’t have to, I just need to know so I can call my boss. I’m 2 hours late already and it’s probably gonna be another hour till he gets here. (It was)

MIL: He just left. You don’t have to wait on him to go to work I don’t know what you’re mad about but you don’t have to wait on FIL for you to go to work you could have already gone to work. He left he’s on his way.

Me: Yes I do have to wait because your daughter can’t take care of herself, I’m feeding her, draining mucus out of mouth, I’m mad because you told me 3, then 430, then at 530 you say he’s leaving? It’s very frustrating.

MIL: She has nurses there as well. If you were not there that’s what they get paid for as well. Do you think they would just let her be alone with no care. No reason for your frustrations. He had to wait for me to get back to take the car I left Granddaughter’s birthday party early so he could. So I would appreciate you not being that way to us because we’ve been down this road we know what happens in the in the hospital. You have choices people still have to work and they still have to do things and he is on his Way. I’m not going to argue with you. He is on his way.

Me: Lol people do have to work, no reason for my frustration???you could’ve told me you were at a party, or at least updated me along the way but whatever cool thanks bye.

MIL: I don’t appreciate your tone. I gave you a time frame and he’s on his way.

(FIL also wasn’t there when I got off work, no telling when he left.)

I just sent her a thumbs up emoji after that. Their daughter was unconscious and on life support for four days in the icu and this is the conversation I get. AITA?