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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/throwaway69247etc on 2023-09-30 14:22:44.

This sounds absurd, but here goes. My brother, SIL and their two kid don’t live nearby but come for a visit every now and then. Usually, they stay at my mother’s place. Since they were visiting, my mother invited us and my uncle and his wife over. I’m always the one who brings cake, because I love baking (my late grandmother - my uncles and mother’s mother - taught me) and I inherited the recipe for my late grandmother’s famous and loved apple pie. This time, I decided to bring exactly this earlier mentioned pie, plus a smaller one for me, since I can’t eat gluten. Meaning, I baked two cakes. I’ve got a 5 month old baby at home, plus a toddler who likes to “help” with baking, which made the whole thing somewhat stressful. To reduce the stress a little bit, I decided to alter the apple pie a little bit. For this cake I need two different types of dough, one is used on top to create some kind of decorative layer in which I usually put a lot of effort. This time, I decided to just put some crumble dough on top because it’s quick and easily made. The taste should stay the same. Another thing I want to mention is, that my relatives love to complain! There is never a “thank you for taking the time to bake some cake for us” but always some kind of “well, this cake is a little dry this time” or “why did you bring this cake and not xyz cake, because I don’t like this one”… Etc

We went to my mother’s and brought the two cakes. As we were sitting down to eat it, my uncle took a piece of the apple pie, looked at it and went “this is not how this cake is supposed to be. This won’t taste good. You should’ve made it how it’s supposed to be! I don’t like this!” and started eating. Don’t ask me why, but this time I was just fed up with always hearing complaints but never a thank you. I got up, took his plate and told him" if you don’t like it, don’t eat it. Instead of complaining, you should be happy I took the time to make some! ". I brought his plate into the kitchen and refused to give it back or let him have another slice. This created an awkward mood for a while, but I wasn’t willing to back down. Afterwards my mother texted me and told me that my behavior wasn’t okay and that I embarrassed her as the hostess and that I should just take the complaints and criticism without a word.

Taking away my uncles plate and not giving it back might have been childish, but AITA?