link to original reddit post by /u/TCV2

I'm pretty sure this is everywhere, but certainly in the United States.

If you live under a rock, Biden announced today that he will be asking OSHA to institute a jab mandate for all private businesses with 100+ employees.

Say no to this. I don't care if you got jabbed or not. I don't care if the jabs are good for you or not. I only care about what letting this go will allow governments to do.

Say no.

You lost your job because you opposed this government oversight? Good news! Everyone and their mother is hiring right now. Drive around your city or town and I can guarantee you that in at least 80% of businesses, you will see a "Now Hiring!" sign in some way, shape, or form.

You'll need to figure to what you're happy with as far as job and pay goes, but I absolutely guarantee that you can find something. I left my last job when a new mask mandate policy was made, and I left just before it came into effect without having a job lined up afterwards. In the next week, I have never had as many interviews lined up in my life. Previously, I ran on the rule of 10% of applications will get an interview and 10% of interviews will lead to a job offer. Nowadays, I'd reckon 90% of applications will get an interview and 90% of interviews will lead to a job offer.

Fight for freedom with free association. Take advantage of at-will employment laws. We can win.