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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Meglet-J on 2023-09-27 15:58:14.

My daughter is in college and is having a hard time being away from home. She has been approved for an emotional support animal and called me the other day to tell me she is bringing “her” dog to college with her. I say “her” dog because my husband and I got her the dog for Christmas 3 years ago. She did good for the first 6 months of his life but then in true kid fashion, lost interest and didn’t take care of him anymore. I stepped in and basically raised the dog. I get up with him at 6am to let him out everyday. I pay for the vet bills and food. I take him outside multiple times a day so he gets exercise… Her first excuse was that she needed an emotional support animal and I complain about him sometimes so she wanted to take the burden off of me. I told her no because I feel like he would be miserable living in a dorm and that she would be too busy to properly care for him. He is a very active dog and barks a lot. She then flipped out on me and started accusing my husband of being abusive to children and animals and that’s the reason why she wants to take the dog. Not true by the way. When that didn’t work she went to my mom and dad and was nasty to them and made my 76 year old mother cry. On her birthday! When I didn’t give in again she resorted to threatening to steal him while we aren’t home. I called the college and explained the temperament of the dog to them and they agreed that he wouldn’t be a good fit for the campus. Now she won’t talk to me and is ignoring everyone else in the family. Am I the asshole for not letting her take the dog with her?

Edit: I guess I should have said he raised his voice at her. Only after she would be disrespectful and it happened a handful of times in the span of 11 years. I shouldn’t have said he yelled because people are taking it out of context. He did yell at my son and my son yelled back. They both blew up at each other 8 years ago when my son was 11 and had a bad attitude. They have been fine ever since.