link to original reddit post by /u/JobDestroyer

Well I'm going to be asking you to do something. It's the most important fucking thing you've ever been asked to ever do in your entire life, and you may suffer consequences for it. That's okay, I could also suffer consequences for it.

Biden is requiring all businesses with over 100 employees to require vaccinations. The solution is simple: You need to say "No". Nancy Reagan was right, when someone tries to pressure you into taking drugs you don't want, you say "No".

Yeah I know you could get fired. So could I. Just say no. This is the fight of our generation and that's not a fucking exaggeration. They can't fire all of us. It's an employee's market. Jobs are all over. You may lose one job, you may lose a lot of things, but if we don't say "No" and stick to it, we'll lose a lot more than that.

If there is any ounce of liberty in your heart, you already know what the right thing to do is. When they ask for you to prove you're vaccinated, you say no. When they ask you to take a test to show that you don't have the 'rona, you say no. Even if you did get the vaccine, you should still say no and refuse to prove it.

People throughout history have died for liberty. They have lost feet in Valley Forge, they have bled in trenches and risked everything on a shitty wooden boat to cross the Atlantic. You can experience some financial instability for liberty, and I'm going to be right there with you. If you don't get fired for this, be ready to help those who do. We're all in one army of liberty now, I don't care if you're an ancap, a minarchist, a conservative, a constitutionalist, a Bernie-bro, a vegan, a christian conservative, or whatever, we're all same-boat brothers, and we have one job. Just say no.

Live Free or Die.