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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/MSI_Reviews on 2023-09-25 16:40:13.

To keep it short and simple i went down to the graveyard my grandpa is buried at yesterday to clean up his grave. When i got to my gramps grave someone had already tidied it up so i thought id clean up the grave most in need of it. I found the grave of a 4 year old covered in leaves and weeds and cleaned it up, i spent about an hour on it and when i was right about done an older couple came up to me and asked what i was doing. I told them i was cleaning up a grave because someone had done it for my grandpa. As soon as i it was because my grandpa grave had been cleaned up they started talking about how i didnt know whether the weeds and dead leaves scattered around the grave was on purpose or not and they told me to leave. I kept working as they talked smack and then i drove off. So im pretty sure im not but am i the asshole

Edit since i think theres some confusion about what i did to the grave: i removed dead leaves, some thinly sprewn about wild grass and a weed called a “mælkebøtte” in danish. The child was buried 37 years ago and in denmark you can pay for 30 years at a time with the care of the grave, most likely the family paid the 30 years and then the grave was left unattended

Edit 2: pictures for context on my profile